Possible Hot take on NM Dungeon Affixes

As I am currently playing thru season one I find myself asking why are there even NM dungeon affixes in the first place? could NM dungeons just be a flat level difficulty boost instead of all the trash Affixes? why even have them?? I am tired of sifting through Dungeons finding ones that aren’t god awful annoying. Just feels like some half a** way to “diversify” gameplay when in reality its just plain Annoying.

Anyone agree?
or am I outta line? LOL

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I am working on a new list of affixes with rarities included. Its fairly awesome! Coming soon. The affx thing is great idea they just dint go anywhere with it.

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I think I preferred D3’s system of dungeons with a timer instead of the hybrid greater affix system we have now? There is nothing stopping you from just taking forever to clear any dungeon I think. Timer kind of made it more interesting. Also the sigil system is in a bit of a weird place - I don’t really care what affixes I get so long as it’s not any of the ones I want to avoid because they aren’t worth the hassle. So the system so far is kind of just an inconvenience than something strategic.

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It was nearly done so i completed it just now. This system would add great fun to dungeons. Please upvote and comment.

Nightmare Dungeon Affixes can git gud with this updated system! :+1: - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forums (blizzard.com)

They could just have an entire dungeon of nothing but those fat bastards that charge you with suppressor on and I would nope the eff out of there.

at this point it feels like the whole simple is sometimes better. I also like the D3 timer. great point.

I guess it’s how devs can up the dungeons’ difficulty to match players’ exponential rise of power, especially at later stage of the game without resorting to simple damage and HP buff of monsters, which would be a nightmare to balance considering how many builds there are.

Mostly agree. The negative stuff could just be a flat boost but give us buffs. As in actual buffs not some silly 15% to some damage type you don’t have. Right now we salvage a bunch of sigils just to get ones that don’t suck. Wouldn’t it be oh so much better to have sigils where you were excited to get some rare but cool boost?

They’re all bad and annoying. None make me think to myself “this is a fun affix”.

It becomes which one do I hate the least.

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Please see my new system for great fun and way to use affix system better!

Nightmare Dungeon Affixes can git gud with this updated system! :+1: - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forums (blizzard.com)

My honest opinion? They saw PoE with their Atlas map mods and thought “maybe we can be the Dr. Thunder to their Dr. Pepper”

But then for whatever reason, they failed at it and now we have Moxxie.

Maybe it was because they couldn’t figure out how get the recipe “close enough” without potentially getting in legal trouble. Or maybe they ran out of development time or resources. Or maybe they genuinely thought that Moxxie is a suitable alternative to Dr. Pepper (it isn’t)

It’s just my opinion.

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The intend behind NM modifiers seem to be to make the dungeons more diverse to do. Which is a very good goal to have.
Now, many of the affixes are extremely uninteresting, and it is too easy to just pick the ones you want, making the whole thing a bit pointless.
But the basic idea is good. Improve on it, rather than remove it.

Both by making better dungeon affixes, and by rewarding people for doing diverse dungeon affixes. Like, reward players for doing the different kinds of affixes.
One method could be the game tracking which NM affixes you have run in the last X dungeons, and if you run a dungeon with affixes you haven’t done in those last 10 dungeons, you get extra XP, items, glyph XP etc.
Another could be to have tracker of all NM modifiers, maybe at the tree of whispers, and when doing a dungeon, the modifiers from that dungeon gets “marked” as completed.
If you complete all the modifiers, you get big reward for it, and the whole tracking resets again.
All in all, rewarding players for doing different kinds of dungeons.

They could make a 1:1 copy of PoE maps without getting into trouble. Not that they should. PoE modifiers aren’t that interesting either.

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Fair enough on both points. I’m not a lawyer so I don’t really know how IP copyright stuff works.

Also agreed that they should expand on it rather than ditch it. D3 had GR’s and as it stands currently, I’d rather have those. But here’s hoping the NM dungeons get better over time.