Port forwarding does nothing, I'm on fiber, no other game I own with online has issues

Just what the utter hell am I supposed to do to make this bullcrap connection issues with these crappy servers better and playable? The game can run well for an hour or so, returning to town is great then back out no issues but just randomly, nowhere near a town, the game spikes to 1k+ or 2k+ msec for no reason rendering the game unplayable and triggering disconnects with no recourse, even upon reloading in to be greeted with 1k ping.

I’ve already forwarded any ports I could find, unless these ports were incorrect.

Wireshark is your friend: wireshark . org / download / download.html

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What ports are you forwarding, exactly? This seems like a terrible idea unless you 100% know what you’re doing.

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The ports that came up when I googled for D4s ports, not like the info is just easily found. Yeesh Digiangel, plan on giving a reason to do that? Or just shilling because its fun.

Are you on AT&T fiber or in the DFW Texas area? There is a thread in Tech Support where several people on that type of setup are having similar issues.

Some think they resolved it (temporarily anyway) with using a VPN.

Have a read through this whole thread. It starts a few days ago and has a lot of back and forth troubleshooting and talk between players in similar circumstances.

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I AM on At&t fiber AND in DFW, my friend and I haven’t been able to consistently play since early access.


At this point I am highly suspicious that there is something in common impacting that small subset of folks.

Oh, thread. Sorry about that.


Thanks for the link! (20 character limit)

If you’re still having the problem after the port forwarding, then they’re not your problem. I strongly suggest jumping back in to your router and removing the port forwards for the sake of system security. Other guy isn’t shilling, WireShark is used to troubleshoot network issues like this if – again – you know what you’re doing. Beyond that follow up on Cheetah’s link, this sounds like an ISP problem.

Wireshark…capture your network traffic on the box you play on…see a buncha SYN without a SYN-ACK responds and those are the ports not making it out.

Wireshark for those not IT initiated is pretty daunting to use.

I generally suggest people use WinMTR instead. That is a simple packet capture over time and traces the whole path from a person’s computer to the target server. Pretty simple to see the packet loss column and max latency for each hop.

Much easier for novices to navigate and Blizzard has an article on how to use it that is in the thread I linked. Any actual packet loss in the first column can cause latency, rubberbanding, and DCs in live service games. Not counting the hops that don’t respond for security reasons. heh. Those are fine.

Thats implying people have IT knowledge. Most people don’t even know what a packet is nor traces or a hop.

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True! But a WinMTR is easy enough that I can teach people what it means. It is honestly a great intro. The only thing easier is a Tracert or ping.

I still have some (maybe misplaced) faith that people are interested in learning.

Not saying you’re incorrect but for all of my friends who know how to build a PC but don’t know much about networking wouldn’t know how to use that program. For those who did IT to a certain degree? Absolutely.

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In this case Blizzard has a support article to help them get started :slight_smile:

It has even been updated with the D4 IP addresses to use with it.

Good article I hope people do learn the basics of networking as it can help to a high degree to fix their personal networking issues.

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Ok fair. In any case, tshark on the linux gateway shows this…port 80 and 443 are the launcher plus game data:


Let the other ones out/in and you’re golden.

Why are we forwarding ports? Put ethernet into computer… Wait for IP… Hit play game?

Unless wireless… Join wireless wait for connection… Hit Play Game?