Plz add other grinding mechanics to Pit content

For those who are feeling frustrated when grinding Pit materials.
I think the Devs could add other equivalent mechanisms to Pit’s content which more options for players to choose from:

  • Go through 2 floors like the current mechanism and then fight the boss.
  • Or you have to face 2 Butchers at the same time.
  • Or you have to fight 6 tormented bosses, 3 bosses at the same time:
    Battle 1: Andariel, Beast in the Ice and Grigoire.
    Battle 2: Duriel, Lord Zir and Varshan.
  • Or you must encounter 2 Helltide Maidens at the same time, when they have a half life remaining then Tormented Lilith will join the battle.

If you have any equivalent options to make Pit less boring, please contribute below…

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No thanks. Pits mechanics is difficult / frustrating enough as it is. If you want more Pit difficulty, please go fight Pit200 and come back to ask for Pit1000.

I think what Pits needs is better rewards… “Fame and Fortune” - in particular Fortune. A better chance for each affix to be GA as you go higher, or at least shower us with (Pit Level x 100,000) gold and lots of mats just to offset the cost of rerolling things.

[Edit: Oh… And it can replace NMDs in terms of Glyph Exp. Do something else with NMDs.]

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Yeah… good luck surviving that. No, on the other hand luck alone wouldn’t be enough. You need a miracle!

I think Pits design is fine as it is. The only thing I would like them to fix is the power distribution. Right now we spend about 80% the time on killing the boss and 20% on the mobs. I’d rather like something like 50%-50% or 40-60 or 60-40.


The solution to less boring is not to make Pits more frustrating. Difficult doesnt always equal fun or interesting. Taking something and then doubling it is just lazy.


Just kill Uber Lilith or Echo of Lilith and call it GG. Then move on and play something else.

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Imo the pit is just as linear and boring as GR. Honestly id prefer an actual dungeon mode with a large rng maze that gets more difficult as you progress. Provide hidden chests to make me want to explore, make it exciting.

All these linear modes walk from point A to point B gets old fast.

I agree they could do stuff to make greater rifts less dry but Id say leave them for the D3 playerbase and give us something better.

Its sad when nm dungeons are more exciting and they still are just a linear walking simulator.


I was coming here to say this. Something like the Pit, but instead of unlocking tiers of difficulty, you unlock new floors, which can have a different tile set and pair of mob families, but give sprawling exploration filled with events, boss rooms, chests on par with the helltide ones, and various exits to find, which unlock the next floor or maybe drop you down 3 floors or unlock an alternate floor with the same mob level but different NMD-style affixes.

Ultimately, NMDs and Pits are like big multi-floor dungeons, except that the layouts are predictable and at the end you return to town rather than continuing to the next floor. Making this content more about exploration than killing speed would be more fun, and they could keep the density high by using the same tricks from helltide: mob ambushes, threat level that increases the pace and strength of the ambushes until you finally draw out a boss like the Butcher, the Skeleton King, Izual, etc., and hidden chests that rain legendaries and uniques.

If they want to make the Pit itself more interesting, I think they should do this:

  1. Each season, assign a single old Gauntlet level as Pit tier 1, 11, 21, etc. If they did this right away, I think they’d still have enough options to not need to repeat in the tiers any builds are capable of beating.
  2. The score you get in the Gauntlet level goes on a leaderboard for that level and also determines how many levels above that you unlock, capped at unlocking 10 to get you to the next Gauntlet tier.
  3. The tiers in between play like current pit levels and are for farming MW mats and loot. The Gauntlet tiers also reward those, but take longer to complete because of the fixed timer.

The advantage of this would be that there is now some mastery to pushing the Pit: you have to learn the levels and get good at beating them and choosing routes, etc., but there is still escalating difficulty, no fishing, and a lot of room for fast farming at the high end. It also lets them add Pit leaderboards in a way that they already track leaderboards and without any worries about exploits or cheesing (because all the Gauntlets used already had a week of play).

A linear hallway is still a linear hallway. I want something more.

They need some unpredictability modes that isnt follow this line from A to B. We already have that.

Not sure which part of my post this was in response to, but the Gauntlet isn’t a linear hallway (and the other thing I described was very much not linear, since the whole point is exploration).

I’ve suggested it before, but a limited amount of masterwork materials should be available from completing other endgame activities. Just to break up the monotony that the pit grind becomes.

A weekly drop from world bosses or legion events. A few materials from clearing a level 90+ nightmare dungeon. A few from greater whisper chests. Maybe a few from weekly gauntlet.

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Must be pit level 125+ or am I wrong.
My 101 pits are 150 seconds trash and less than 10 seconds boss.

They do seem to be adding them to the new infernal hordes mode. I wouldn’t be surprised if they are also part of the co-op dungeons in the expansion.

Your right the first time you do it its not. Its stactic linear. After you explore the map its linear because it doesnt change. You just pick the path you want and do a circle

But different routes can have different value so figure out the optimal one can be a challenge, especially if the content is scaled to actually challenge your build. Like I said, this wouldn’t be as good as the sprawling, exploration dungeon, but it would be much better than the current Pits.