Please Stop Capping and Nerfing

The only thing that can save D4 is a lot more nerfs.
Balancing/scaling needs a complete reset.

Caps are a weak way to design things. But D4 is broken. Caps are better than the alternative, unfortunately.


Pvp dont count. And guild wars was already horrible nothing made it better.

lol at moving the goalposts.
oh and GW1 was the best game out there, for it’s time with a pretty huge pvp player-base.
un-matched pvp even to this day.


That is what has put d4 in the state it is now. D4 was never better than on the ptr they been nerfing since day 1 the game is still horrible, How is more nerfs going to help.
If balance is needed you do it AFTER you have a game you do not go nerfing everything before you even get the game right.

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There has been basically no nerfs so far, it is just power creep with power creep on. So nerfs cant have put the game in any state. There haven’t been any substantial nerfs.

Balance is a major part of how you get a game right in the first place.
Create a stable, balanced foundation. Then you can start adding new stuff on top of that foundation.


you mean killing EVERYTHING in one hit ?
i mean, sure but what fun would it be if everything dies in one hit and you can’t die ?

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there is still fun in gambling, for some people. this game relies on a lot of that.

Leaning into power creep doesn’t solve anything. Nerfs are part of balancing things out. I am not saying all the nerfs on the board atm are justified. Just that people saying only buff stuff, apparently don’t understand that it’s more harmful to only add when balancing out things like classes, skills, and items.


That was a big issue with D3 after RoS: they leaned into power creep. Not to mention handing out gear sets with seasonal rewards. I mean, I logged onto D3 last week just to mess around a bit because I miss Demon Hunters, and after five minutes on my DH from a couple seasons ago, it occurred to me I was just running around holding down strafe and one shotting everything at high speed on its hardest difficulty, then in GR.

Power creep in D3 is so bad these days, you get like a handful of days in a season before you’re done with the Conquest and seasonal rewards. So, yeah, leaning into power creep is definitely the wrong way to go.


That’s not the only reason there is an imbalance, and I suspect that’s not the key reason either.

A lot of the power from builds come from how specific their affix requirements are. If your build does not need resource generation or cooldown reduction as much as another build, this would greatly affect how many max life rolls you can get for example. If you’re locked into getting various uniques, then that’s so many tempering and legendary affixes you lose out on compared to a build that doesn’t need any uniques.

The problem with balance is definitely not “I can equip more weapons”. That’s overly simplistic. It’s part of it, but definitely not the whole picture.

Not all class mechanics are made equal either. The sorc’s enchantment thing is absolute garbage for example, and blizzard just nerfs the living crap out of everything every season by the 2nd, and even that was a bug.

I agree! Removing caps and letting us get to the point where we can be ridiculously powerful, so the more time put into a season, the more powerful that seasonal character becomes, whenreturning to eternal post season. With the ability to start fresh every new season, building new characters from level 1 rhen continuing to push the character’s limits. I enjoy being able to continue pushing paragon in Diablo 3. The caps enforced in D4 feel too restrictive especially since this games a sequel to Diablo 3, why not build on what ept me coming back? This is an ARPG, its not supposed to be a skill based game, the stronger I am allowed to make my cgaracter, the easier the game should get when we maximize the games level scaling. That push is what would incentivize more play during any given season.

Going by the comments, there seems to be 2 schools of thought:

  1. Embrace the power fantasy and embrace power creep

  2. Make things weaker, more “balanced” and resist power creep, even if no baseline has been established.

Its like Blizard is trying to cater to both opposing extremes. I’ve noticed pro-power creep generates a stronger plsyer base, as this game is supposed to cater to casual players. Then Blizzard caters to the more hardcore by adjusting the game’s difficulty in an abrupt manner, stronger monsters more limitations, etc.

It really comes down the the pro-Diablo 2 Resurrected crowd versus the pro Diablo 3 crowd and there seems to be no in between. I feel Blizzard should choose which crowd to ater to.

I’ve noticed the even seasons tend to be more pro-Diablo3 attracting more players, and the infamous odd seasons tend to be more pro-Diablo 2, alienating more players.

I feel the currrent caps feel a bit restrictive especially when currently the only way to push those caps is by farming uber bosses, which can only be achieved in paywalled multiplayer. Removing caps would be significantly more solo-friendly.

My observation is that there should be 2 different game instances to log into for seasonal play:

  1. A multiplayer focused instance thats all about balance and PVP, rewarding grouping up and couch co-op

  2. A single player instance, removing caps to make up for the lack of content hats seemingly only abailable with multiple players. Like maximizing builds. pushing caps, less nerfs as there wouls be no neeed for balance so often. Allowing solo players to get stronger with more play time, ad having access to doingthings like challenging uber bosses solo, pushing the Pit, higher tier nightmare dungeons, higher torments to complement power reep. Only to start over and do it all again next season, etc…

I don’t have PS+ and have no interest in multiplayer or PVP, so changes that are focused on balancing PVP ands multiplayer works against me.

Well thats my proposed solution in support of removing caps, well at least in single player instances that would be more fitting for a Diablo game.

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Almost everyone, even the “things too easy” complainers play variations of whatever the current meta builds are so I think the jury has already spoken as to power yea or nay.

The game is already very very easy. It requires no brain and no risk whatsoever anymore. I hope they do nerf/balance way more and make the game a bit harder and introduce a bit more risk into the game. One-shotting all content all over the place is so very boring.

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Yeah but my view is fix busted crap. I also dont want to play a game where classes are weak af through the whole game, build doesn’t work without specific pieces of gear, and even in end game gear the class still feels like dog crap though. Im not sayin the mobs need to die from them looking at you but i also dont want to cast cast oom cast basic skill a bunch of times that tickles cast cast oom every pack sit and wait 15-20 secs on a silly cooldown either.

IMO they need to stop nerfing class stuff based off new gear and new seasonal powers. Builds should stand up on their own. New gear and such should compliment, augment, and or simply change how skills work in some fun way. Obviously gear needs to give some power to feel some sense of progression and growing in power. Right now though its all gear and skill tree is just there for artwork. They keep nerfing and capping the class stuff for everything else. Cap this, cap that, longer cooldown this, longer cooldown that. Why? cus some piece of gear gives double dip huge multiplier or you can get enough gear to essentially negate cooldowns. Nerf that stuff. Not the class.


What sort of brain/risk do you expect from an ARPG? Pretty much every game in the genre I’ve played tends to get simpler as you level up and get stronger skills/gear. What sort of challenge would you be expecting?

Totally agreed. Been saying that again and again. and i’m pretty sure whenever ppl say caps are bad. we all mean explicitly capping. We can only equip a limited amount of gear and each gear has only a limited amount of affixes with each affix has a max. There’s already a cap to the power right there. Explicitly declaring a cap to this to 30% and that to 40% is just a pathetic way to tell ppl to stop playing their own way. Coz it gives a player the perception of that they can’t grow their power beyond that very cap. It might not be wrong but it’s just telling ppl who want to play more to stop playing that’s all.


I still don’t fully understand the need for balance in a mostly PVE game, I always thought the purpose of balance was for pvp in an MMO setting. With that said, I don’t understand this need for balance if were pretty much on the same side 90% of the time. That is why I Case nerfs in a negative light, to me its like they are finding what ways to play are effective and popular, just to make them less effective and less desirable?

Balance is for essentially all games tbh. What is even the point of having a game if it isn’t trying to create a balanced player experience.
Equally important for a singleplayer offline game, as for a competitive multiplayer online game.

Less effective, more interesting gameplay. Less desirable, more viable options.

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Short answer, the entire reason for providing a slew of options to pick and choose from when constructing, developing and progressing a character is it presents interesting choices, decisions and compelling options. Whether it be skills, additional progression mechanisms or gearing.

This brings us to D4. In D4 you’re often picking and choosing between objectively better or worse. This is not an interesting choice and undermines the purpose of the options being there in the first place. It’s in quantity over quality territory.


im thinking a refunding the expansion.