Please Stop Capping and Nerfing

i just dont like that barbarian (and im a barbarian main, only played barbarian since season 1) is the go to class. It seems this game revolves around barb, while i love it i want more build diversity , more classes that can push and not get oneshotted like sorc unless you use a broken immortal build.

This game is completely unbalanced, druid feels a pain to play, almost all classes can do pit 100, but thats it, only few can push trough with an immense amount of time sink to masterwork and gear, and for what? just a brainless climbing for no reason

you actually copy pasted the worse thing in diablo 3 which was Greater Rfits and now we have this abomination plaguing us in d4 too, just because you can not really come with something unique and fresh…

If you sit down and analyze d4 and d3 you will find out that they are exactly the same game, with just better graphic.

its mindblowing

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agree, s5 ptr destroyed cl enchant, was never that great anyways, and hydra enchant bein super low value since ur cast hydras now have trice its dmg potential.

Whats left is only a couple viable options, its in an abyssmal state and needs a full rework.

But for barbs the weaponslots it the core of the problem, what they get here outscales every other class mechanic by miles. and tempering made it worse. Barbs can equip uber weapons, while still retain their full potential for their chosen main spell, they can still use 2 or 3 weapon tempers onto the skill. if necro uses gf, all weapon tempers are gone.

dont worry blizzard has no idea how to balance the game!

so they will cap white damage to 5m crit damage to 50m

and vul damage to 25m and overpower to 100m

add all those up and u get the damage cap of 180m

they have no idea how to balance this game let alone design this game


i agree that caps in the way they are putting them in D4 are bad, if the possible tools (items/paragon/skilltree) allow me to put everything in for example movementspeed why shouldn’t i be allowed to do it? If movementspeed becomes a problem lower the tools, don’t just say “25% is max, deal with it”.

in a sense everything is already capped, by the tools we can use, those “hidden” caps are all that should be needed.

also it’s fun trying to get some interaction working by focusing on one stat.
(i agree on caps for resistance and the like, becoming immortal should not be possible. super tanky sure, but ont immortal)

but hard disagree with the “no nerfs” stance.
if you only buff you’ll end up with D3 where the Bosses reached “integer-limit” HP and people were doing quadrillions of DPS.
if out of 5 classes 4 deal 100dmg a hit and one deals 200dmg a hit, it should be obvious to lower the 1 outlier than to buff the other 4.

and to those asking whats the point of balance in a (for most) single player game: it’s simple:
A) options.
if you have 3 builds: one easily clears everthing. one struggles a bit, and one is so bad it cant manage it. the “choice” is more or less already predetermined. unless you want to do a challenge run you’ll pick the best one.
B) people like to compare:
everything and everyone is always (more or less) online, and therefore people will compare themselves. in times of social media and everything, even singleplayer games need a semblance of balance between their classes.

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the problem is the nerfs are for the incoming items they are adding into the game!

so, without the item they are adding your build is pretty much useless without it!

they need better changes then X %damage

they need to get rid of all the +skill/passive increase affixes besides the ones on uniques

they need to get rid of all these resists and just add ALL resist

they need to get rid of Life on hit and Life per sec or buff these up!

atm the game is based on HOW HIGH your HP is and how much DR you stack

It should be obvious, and it is obvious to most everyone here, but for some reason the 200 in your example is getting buffed to 250 while the 100s are getting nerfed to 75 or lower. Blizzard’s aim is way off.

So you like D3 and 100000% damage buffs on items? I can’t understand how anyone can think it was good game development.


No, but at least D3 set items really made certain skills and builds shine in different ways.

obviously i wasnt referring to buffing Bash, but just buff other classes to have multiple builds available and more classes available. not just Barb.

People are always contradicting themselves here with the incongruity of arguing both “but too strong” and “just play your own game and don’t care about what other people do.” No one as far is I can tell is being forced to use these overpowered items or builds.

If they don’t nerf things and only keep buffing, all we are going to see is 200B damage numbers … why do you want that?

Why not just nerf overpowered things and simultaneously balance content to match those nerfs?


Prob right to a degree on this issue wanderer, but unfortunately Blizzard has different ideas moving forward on the topic I’m guessing…

Caps are bad. Diminishing returns would work much better. The current “balance” for the game that is evolving around capping - is turning D4 into a MMO - not ARPG.

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coz they aren’t doing it. look at leapquake’s rumble is getting a cap but no compensation of buffing that build. They have no idea what they are balancing fgs

Cap is bad, very bad, remove that, in two seasons we will end with all the fun capped and once the fun is capped… you know what’s next

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These hidden caps make no sense at all. How is anyone supposed to know what vuln%/critdmg%/regdmg%/ or other caps there might be without watching streamers at this point as we have no damage/dps tools? Paragon and other buffs are also bugged or don’t even work right and they want more money for an expansion pack in just a few months? Totally insane, unrealistic, complete garbage.

Why put so much % on gear or in paragon and then have hidden caps nobody knows about after the fact? Completely untested garbage dumpster fire.

If D3 is any indication of things, buffing then capping and nerfing will be what to expect for the next 10 years.

Their games are always in a state of tuning until the next one comes out.

It is what it is.

I wrote a fomula that auto corrects damage spikes, so instead of things like a quadrillion damage exploding a screen and doing 10 million times more damage than intended it auto corrects to more like 8-12 times bigger.

It is an idea for monster resilience, but the formula could apply to lots of stat lines and be used to remove current caps (armor, crit, etc.) while promoting getting stronger and stronger, just only a little bit (not exponentially) when you reach the top.

That post:

TLDR: Bizzard sets a cap (call it 100 million), if player damage is a little beyond that it tapers it but not by much. A lot beyond the cap and it eats most of the excess.

100 million cap → 1 quadrillion damage
= tapers to 800 million

(8x vs 10,000,000x times bigger than the cap)

Haven’t we already blown past that point?

I have not, I can destroy regular bosses solo, but uber bosses? Best I can do is hopefully move their health bat by a fraction before getting one-shot by their uber buffed mechanics. Literally impossible for me to do solo. So on that front, I am woefully underpowered unless I commit to one of the few optimized meta builds with little to no room to make those builds my own, which most require rare drops from uber bosses to finalize. So those drops are also paywalled behind multiplayer.

So we are nowhere near being able to complete all content solo with most builds at max level ala Diablo 3. On PS4, we are paywalled out of multiplayer so making certain content only achievable via multiplayer, that paywalls solo pnayers out of that end game content, which used to be my finishing point before starting seasonal character. The odd season dev team seems to be really hyper-focused on end game multiplayer for Season 5