Please REMOVE the limit on Tempering | (And do it more expensive/time-consuming IF you think it's too easy)

They do: you can hunt more items and find another base as good as the one you got bad temper rolls on.

But it feels like it’s worse.

Before I had a perfect item, with the potential to be my best item, and in an instant I have junk.

I went from having “the item” to having to search for “the item.”
That’s going backwards.

Different items, to be clear.
Is the same? YES
Do you feel the same? NO.

If this system stays as it is now I’m going to have to collect multiple good objects before trying to do tempering (one equipped and a minimum of two to improve). At least this way it won’t feel like a step back.

GAIII items would be pretty rare then considering how many combinations exist and the quantum players will potentially need for Tempering. Interesting.

If we take the 83 bases needed to get a 5/5 with a decent affix range roll. We are talking 83,000 - 124,500 items dropping…given the lower drop rates it will take a serious amount of time. Hopefully they are not that rare!!

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Nothing is the opposit. Dont know where you got that from.

Well we will se how it turns out when drop rates are normal in S4. There isnt anything going backwards. You either get a good base win at RNG and/or continue down the path to getting what you want. Thats the purpose of a loot hunt mixed with crafting.

People asked for simplifed loot. People asked for a crafting system.

I said something that I don’t think and opposite to your intention, but consistent with what you were saying just to prove a point.

The idea of ​​doing that is to demonstrate some absurdity or ambiguity in a statement.

Don’t worry, I’m just crazy.
(Also, I don’t speak English. I mean, I understand it, but I need help from a translator to write it, not to read it. Maybe the real meaning is lost at some point)

It all comes down to this really.

And I like 95% of everything they have proposed… I only didn’t like the limit of tempering and something else that I don’t remember.

I just compaired rolling a bricked runeword vs bricked D4 item. Thats all.

At the end of the day we are never going to like all aspects of a game. It will never be 100% perfect to what we want.

Tempering/masterworking are great but i looth the greater rift system.

You didn’t have a perfect item, you had a perfect base. Like having a great white item to bring to Charsi.

This is what the loot hunt is about. You find stuff that seems promising but isn’t perfect, then you find something even better. Find a tarnhelm on the ground, but when you ID it, the % is low and it isn’t worth that much. Find an elite rare amulet from a high level drop but when you ID it there’s no +2 skills.

This system just adds a layer: find a IIIGA on the ground, but it has the wrong affixes. Find one and it has 2 of 3 affixes you want. Find one and it actually has the 3 affixes you want but when you try to temper you can’t get the affixes you want in either slot. Find another with the 3 GAs you want but then it gets 1 perfect temper. And so on up a scale of progression . Sometimes you get to skip a few rings and that feels great. Sometimes just hitting the next rung feels great.

Yes, and I think that’s how it should be. That’s what keeps the loot hunt feeling like a progression even in late game.


Yeah easy as pie lol. Good luck finding GAIII items with the right 3 GAs in multiples. You can also just do what many people (probably most streamers) will do and just get a bunch of duped GAIII items. Wouldn’t be surprised if you start seeing “Bulk GAIII” items for RMT.

Yeah the ability to trade with the AH. Oh wait nope.

The ability to trade with a massive town filled with players? Oh nope.

The ability to trade finding BiS gear for other classes? Oh no not that.

The ability to trade with a protected currency? Oh yeah uh, no not that either.

RMT is one thing, duping is something else entirely and its on Blizz to manage that.

It all comes down to how rare GAIII items actually are. I see there are some predictions but ultimately “if” they are extremely rare it will create adverse behavior and probably piss the majority of players off. If they have a reasonable drop rate then it will probably all work out just fine.

For example, if the average D4 slaves away in their sweaty basement all weekend. Then finds 1-2 GAIII item to only brick them on Sunday night - yeah they are not having a good time! Statistically you will be bricking them - lets not pretend otherwise.

On the other hand, if the same player finds a good number of GAIII items, they are going to be able to trade bases and potentially have multiple bites at the apple. Even if they only get a good roll, its going to feel much better and keep them engaged.

Equally, you don’t want everyone playing a few days and having perfect gear…

I know. But one less thing you don’t like is better than one more :grin:
(I could even give some examples of what I don’t like about ARPGs, but that would be a VERY bad idea considering where I am. I like farming, just in case.)

Comparing a white item with sokets to a perfect legendary (with sokets) is very wrong.
Mainly because you feel much better when you find the legendary than the white item…
Sure the white object is exciting in its own way… but it’s still a white object…
I think the runes are much more exciting than the white object.

I hate that honestly… preparing for the worst shouldn’t be considered fun by anyone.

You know it won’t be a reasonable drop rate. If it was, there would be almost no point for non GA III items. They should be really rare, but Tempering needs to be fixed to not brick items. Perhaps having Rare Tempering Manuals that can be Target farmed and only have (1) Affix would be a fix for that. Keep the durability, but you are only rolling the Affix range.

Non-BiS, almost none of this matters because the entire system is stupid and not designed for progression and leveling in mind.

Except when you get an affix that has nothing to do with your build. The weighting seems to be algorithm based on what your chosen skills are, and it is not in the player’s favor for chances to get a useful affix. The tiny number of rerolls is absurd given how this appears to work. For instance, I’ve got Forceful Arrow selected as my basic skill, and damned if I can get that affix to show up even once out of ten tries in total. It always seems to weigh toward what you don’t have selected in your skill tree. As such this system is going to lead to frustration in the extreme in a very short amount of time. Nobody likes having their efforts wasted so easily by such a narrow system.

Blizzard needs to pick one or the other because that’s where it will ultimately end up. Gamers today, especially those playing D4 are not as hardcore as they used to be. Blizzard wants a broad player base and they will need to design their systems with that objective in mind.

Either they are super rare and tempering is more predicable, or they are slightly less rare and tempering is as we see it today. We have seen this with Uber Unique items, start with something that is impossible and gradually we end up with bosses that have what most consider a reasonable drop rate of said items…hopefully they can fast track that process.

The upside is the core system points the ship in the right direction…that’s a great step.

I will say 1 thing we have seen from Blizzard, is that acting fast to implement anything seems to be impossible.

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Uber Uniques are only not rare if you are buying duped mats and running Rotas with a group who has done the same…

I agree that they need to get off the fence and pick. Diablo has always been more casual friendly ARPG with much less complicated systems. The “crafting” system is a joke and a far cry from an actual crafting system. It is a crafting system in name only as are “Legendary” and “Rare” items.

Preparing for the worst isn’t necessary. It is a system with costs and that means it gives you interesting choices to make. Is the item good enough as it is or do you want to risk another temper knowing that you might make it worse?

You don’t need to have 3 copies of an item before you start trying to temper one. You just do it and deal with the best you get. Then later you find a new base and try to get something better than what you had. Sometimes you get a highroll and it’s awesome. Most of the time you don’t.

And realistically, the difference between a well-tempered GAIII that hits the 3 best affixes for your build and a well-tempered GAII that hits the two best for your build is going to be +50% to the 5th-best stat on the item. It’s not nothing, but it’s far from game-breaking.


Tempering would be ridiculously OP if you could temper without limit. You may as well just pick your affixes and be done with it. What’s the point of playing?

Finite chances are way more fun. Rerolling is a risk. It makes you think instead of mindlessly mashing the button until you run out of mats like with enchanting. Yes, you can brick an item but if you’re not OCD about GAIII it’s not a big deal. You find another. If you are OCD, go trade for them.


No it doesn’t. In fact that would be awful for the game. If tempering was infinite, then you have to make GAs so rare that regular players never find a GA III with the affixes they want, because as soon as someone finds one that slot is finished and they never need to find another item for it. So they would need to be as rare as Ubers or all the streamers and everyone seriously competing on leaderboards would no longer have a need for item drops.

It is essential that you be able to brick items to have a system that provides those big dopamine hits on a regular basis.

At some point you find you first GA I as it’s exciting. Then you find your first GA I that hits an affix you like and that’s even more exciting. Then you have found plenty of GA Is and they’ve hit a good number of affixes you like and the excitement of a I isn’t there. But those GA IIs are still exciting because it takes a while to find ones that hit two affixes you like. Eventually, you’ve got many of those in your slots and now you’re mainly looking for them on uniques and for GA IIIs that hit all the right affixes. Except that the rarity of that perfect GA III is so much more than the good GA IIs because of the flexibility to use the enchanter. And the value is less because it’s a less important affix and you already have two massive bonuses. So that becomes just a huge grind for a little more stats.

But look at what happens when you sprinkle in tempering: now there’s a period where you’ve got a lot of GA Is but you are still excited to find them because you are still trying to get a perfect temper on one. Then there’s a similar period for GA IIs. More importantly, there’s a period before you’ve seen many GAs where you still want to see non-GA drops because you haven’t gotten a good temper on them all. Maybe even a period where you are using rares because you were able to temper them with 2 affixes you need but haven’t been able to do that for any legos with a useful 3rd affix.

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How can they do the same thing without bricking the item ? Tempering only has 2 affix and youre eventually gonna get it right.

The other solution with unlimited try is to have a pool of 300 affix all together so you can keep trying oh but both affix will roll at the same time so you need to match 2 affix in a roll. Because whats the point of these crafts if you can just select your BIS affix ?