Please Remove One-Shot Boss Mechanics From The Pit

Title says it all. Its not a fun type of challenge. Dodge all boss attacks or die??? Full health, full shields, max armor, max resistances, and NONE of it matters. Attack this boss a hundred times while constantly dodging numerous attack from all directions. COOOL!!!


Itā€™s infinite scalingā€¦ Youā€™re going to HIT THE END of the road at some point. Itā€™s time for a new character. Have you tried using your brain?


Sounds like the difficulty youā€™re playing is to high for your gear and/or skill. You can always play a lower tier.

Not rocket science.


Sounds like your character build is trash.

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Cries like this create worse ā€œfixesā€ - like in the S5 PTR where we now get stacking debuffs to get one-shot instead. :clown_face:

At the beginning of the season, I was a sorc until I was often ONE-SHOTTER by the boss at PIT70.
I was in a lot of pain at the time, so I rerolled a rogue, but I wasnā€™t really one-shotted even I came to PIT100. I went back to my sorc and found out that my sorc only had 12k HP :sweat_smile: (my rouge had 35k), so maybe the ā€œone shotā€ was due to poorly equipped or under-enhanced.
Of course, itā€™s also a problem that sorc donā€™t have a lot of damage reduce compared to barb and rogue, but HP can solve most of the problems.

9300+Armor, 70Res aslo a must.

It would be one thing if it was a specific wipe attack done at varying health bar intervals, failing certain mechanics leading to a wipe mechanic, or from acquiring stacks triggering the event but no, it is just a machine gun of ordinary attacks that one-shot you. This is especially problematic for melee players who rely on Direct Damage close to an enemy.

The wipe mechanic should be grandiose and be different for each boss. Here are some possible mechanics:

  • Boss performs a wipe mechanic at 75%, 50%, and 25% HP.
  • Boss spawns Blizzards that apply a stack of Chill to the player for each second you are in the Blizzard. Upon reaching 3 stacks you are Frozen in a block of ice Immune to Damage and unable to attack for 5 seconds. Once Frozen, you cannot be Frozen again for 15 seconds.
  • You must be Frozen during the wipe mechanic or you will die.
  • This mechanic bypasses the Unstoppable effect and Crowd Control Duration does not apply to the mechanic.
  • Super basic system. You want to avoid the Blizzards and becoming Frozen until the wipe mechanic. If you inadvertently become Frozen before, you will need to slow DPS and kite. Players will want to try to maintain 1 or 2 stacks of Chill, until the time comes for the wipe mechanic. This is a variation of ā€œDonā€™t step in the Fire!ā€ which is super common to multiple RPG types.
  • This also removes being able to cheese things with Unstoppable by not being able to Cleanse things. You can even introduce a Cleanse mechanic to the fight such as having to blow up Barrels for a Burn Patch and set yourself on Fire. You can Cleanse a stack, but take damage as a result.
  • This does not fully throttle a fight as players could theoretically Stagger a boss and avoid a scripted wipe mechanic from happening or deal enough damage to avoid it. Obviously this opens up more diversity in build design also and Burst windows and timing become a thing.
  • Players start to care about a Boss and Boss mechanics. Go take a look at Lost Arkā€™s Boss fight mechanics on Maxroll. Do you notice how detailed it is? Arguably for Legion Raids, they went way too far after much of Valtan (Vykas on). Now do you see a Diablo 4 equivalent? Do you even know the Boss names in D4? Lol. Thereā€™s the problem.
  • There are a TON of mechanics that can easily be added. Instead, Blizzard has opted to make all Bosses like the Crate Super Boss in Grim Dawn that is a DPS check and you just have to dodge and kite or die immediately. Not fun.
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Itā€™s best when they just stop taking damage on the last half to quarter of their HP bar. Like, move like you were on the first quarter of the bar piece of crap and this would be over. it happens with little minion bastards with massive HP too, they just barely take any damage when they have like 5% hp left. The damage spread is way too far in this game, I really hate their damage scaling hoops and jumps honestly.

It wouldnā€™t be bad if they werenā€™t all do this, it lasts for 10 seconds, then do this because it lasts for 6 seconds, then top it off with this because it lasts for 2 seconds and now you have one second to do one big attack, but it whiffs because of the sticky targeting or does piss damage because you donā€™t quite have 100% crit, the game lagged or your ability just straight up didnā€™t trigger. One single damage tick can do anywhere from 50k to millions. Thatā€™s the problem with their formula. One run Iā€™ll decimate a boss in under a minute, maybe seconds, the next run itā€™s like Iā€™m shooting a wall. Then, oh, red/black crap shadow on dark floor I couldnā€™t see got me.

My barb has only 56K health. Other than getting the caps for armor and resistances, I also stack on damage reductions. Have never been one-shotted since (after the latest patch).

I am able to clear up to PIT Tier 110. Have stopped pushing as I found it quite boring as the bosses just took longer time to kill. I have no patient for that especially when my master working had reached 12/12 for all gears.

Yes its cool and easy. You just need to polish on reading animations and be more position aware. 1 shot is fine, it happens in other games. Its way better than target dummy fights. D4 boss is like fresh born babies in comparison.

No leaderboard for the pit,why in god name is there a timer? It was one of the worst additions to D3 there was.

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Maybe class, build or gear issue, as barb no One-Shot issue Pit 132.

"Only 56Kā€œ is unfair to other classes :zipper_mouth_face:, generally speaking Rogue about 30k, Sorc about 20k, especially Sorc less Damage Reduce by Skill/Paragon, without shield/armor itā€™s really easy to be OS (not every Sorc=Infinite flame shield).
Never played Dru so IDK; Some Necro said they are easy to die, maybe so.

Blizztard bootlickers not giving you a pass on this.

This is my biggest gripe about the pit, but I donā€™t have any suggestions on what would be better ( that wouldnā€™t just make it a NMD with a harder end fight)