I know this is controversial take but can’t help but feel the game has gone AoE centric too much
There’s nothing that 100 mobs can do that 50 can’t, and there’s nothing that 200 mobs can do that 100 can’t (other than spawn billion projectiles if archers or die in greater numbers - both terrible things by design)
Like, respect the game, not some stupid myths and stereotypes. Game balance depends on density numbers, and more specifically - build diversity depends on density numbers
Introduce proper monster evolution gradually starting from lvl60, and rework the affixes that depend on density numbers. Even more importantly make defense matter in a proper manner than having everything required or be one-shot all out of a sudden at lvl100+
These 2 things go together, heck 3 things go together:
- Mob evolution
- Proper loot design
- Reduced density
Hand in hand
Right now Lucky hit is useless unless there are minimum 20 mobs around, and if there are then it becomes plain OP
Life on Kill is super low for no reason other than super high density numbers
AoE skills have super high damage for no reason. More like this is more of a S2 scaling issue altogether but please consider giving some impact to the low-AoE stuff… Like - there’s absolutely no reason that Upheaval should do more damage than DoubleSwing, or that it should do more damage than Death Blow - and that’s just one example
Like - a “lvl 8 rocket launcher” should definitely not do more damage than a “lvl 11 railgun” (I’m using this analogy cause that’s what I run with my Barb)
The other issue with extreme density which is currently at high levels is even if you one-shot 80% of mobs on screen, the 20% that remain will launch enough projectiles so that you have to “pre-heal” before they even hit, running into the same problem - once again - FOR NO REASON
Absolutely no good reason other than keeping to “narratives & superstition”, literally the game is about 5x better when keeping mob numbers honest, it’s not stupidly high numbers, but rather mob evolution that game lacks
Expand the champion affixes and introduce things like:
- Poison damage aura
- High regen aura
- Increased cast frequency aura
- Cloaking aura
- Injury prevention aura (injured mobs share damage taken)
& similar
Find a way for the game to be cooler on it’s set of challenges without just increasing damage and HP numbers
Same with loot, make Life on Kill better, Overtime better, Lucky hit better. Clean up the “fluff” from itemization sure but then add things that actually increase mechanical impact of these things
- Basic/Core/Mastery skills have LH increased by X%
- Equipped LH effects have chance increased by X%
- Life on Kill increased by Overtime damage % increase
- Overtime damage increased by LoK amount
- Minimal damage increased by X
Same goes on defensive end as well, could add things like:
- LH - chance to daze target for X
- LH - chance to reduce target damage for X%
The game has absolute godly potential with what already has, just reduce the density and properly balance both mobs and affixes this time
Everyone knows the only reason for density increase was for faster XP gain (like as if couldn’t just increase the XP per kill numbers or add more power to summoners along with more XP when kill them)
Don’t choke the game, don’t kill build diversity, and do the right thing this time. The more I play the game the more dumbed down it gets on higher levels and frankly it’s bad
Yes, could increase armor, resistances, but there is still chance to use the game’s actual potential (see the champion auras mentioned above), and for a change do things right