Please reduce mob density to reasonable numbers and do proper monster evolution this time

I know this is controversial take but can’t help but feel the game has gone AoE centric too much

There’s nothing that 100 mobs can do that 50 can’t, and there’s nothing that 200 mobs can do that 100 can’t (other than spawn billion projectiles if archers or die in greater numbers - both terrible things by design)

Like, respect the game, not some stupid myths and stereotypes. Game balance depends on density numbers, and more specifically - build diversity depends on density numbers

Introduce proper monster evolution gradually starting from lvl60, and rework the affixes that depend on density numbers. Even more importantly make defense matter in a proper manner than having everything required or be one-shot all out of a sudden at lvl100+

These 2 things go together, heck 3 things go together:

  • Mob evolution
  • Proper loot design
  • Reduced density

Hand in hand

Right now Lucky hit is useless unless there are minimum 20 mobs around, and if there are then it becomes plain OP

Life on Kill is super low for no reason other than super high density numbers

AoE skills have super high damage for no reason. More like this is more of a S2 scaling issue altogether but please consider giving some impact to the low-AoE stuff… Like - there’s absolutely no reason that Upheaval should do more damage than DoubleSwing, or that it should do more damage than Death Blow - and that’s just one example

Like - a “lvl 8 rocket launcher” should definitely not do more damage than a “lvl 11 railgun” (I’m using this analogy cause that’s what I run with my Barb)

The other issue with extreme density which is currently at high levels is even if you one-shot 80% of mobs on screen, the 20% that remain will launch enough projectiles so that you have to “pre-heal” before they even hit, running into the same problem - once again - FOR NO REASON

Absolutely no good reason other than keeping to “narratives & superstition”, literally the game is about 5x better when keeping mob numbers honest, it’s not stupidly high numbers, but rather mob evolution that game lacks

Expand the champion affixes and introduce things like:

  • Poison damage aura
  • High regen aura
  • Increased cast frequency aura
  • Cloaking aura
  • Injury prevention aura (injured mobs share damage taken)

& similar

Find a way for the game to be cooler on it’s set of challenges without just increasing damage and HP numbers

Same with loot, make Life on Kill better, Overtime better, Lucky hit better. Clean up the “fluff” from itemization sure but then add things that actually increase mechanical impact of these things

  • Basic/Core/Mastery skills have LH increased by X%
  • Equipped LH effects have chance increased by X%
  • Life on Kill increased by Overtime damage % increase
  • Overtime damage increased by LoK amount
  • Minimal damage increased by X

Same goes on defensive end as well, could add things like:

  • LH - chance to daze target for X
  • LH - chance to reduce target damage for X%

The game has absolute godly potential with what already has, just reduce the density and properly balance both mobs and affixes this time

Everyone knows the only reason for density increase was for faster XP gain (like as if couldn’t just increase the XP per kill numbers or add more power to summoners along with more XP when kill them)

Don’t choke the game, don’t kill build diversity, and do the right thing this time. The more I play the game the more dumbed down it gets on higher levels and frankly it’s bad

Yes, could increase armor, resistances, but there is still chance to use the game’s actual potential (see the champion auras mentioned above), and for a change do things right


If the game is too hard you can play D3. Game does not need to be easier


The game is too hard or the game is too easy. The leveling is too slow or the leveling is too fast. The density is too thick or the density is too thin. No one seems to be satisfied.


Another D2 fanboy. Or he can go play D2 and run Baal a few thousand times.


3 months ago people complain mob density was too sparse. So Blizz upped the count. Now you complain its too dense. None of you are game designers.

You people have no clue. Even worse, Blizz are at fault for listening to you all.


Plenty are satisfied. The forums are for the vocal minority.


Sorry, dont need an easier game. Yes I am a d2 fan boy, BUT, Im not trying to make this D2 2.0, trying to keep this from D3 2.0 casual mode. Go run some unicorns and whimsyshires and get free gear in the mail and be sure to cry about banwaves and doubly make sure you get a participation trophy (37,000 LB spots LMAO EZMODE)


The same rng easy mode LOL HIWAWIOUS!

piñata loot. EZ mode

There was a lot of good suggestions and nothing about altering the game difficulty other than adding mob evolution.

I agree with the AoE thing. Playing Rapid Fire Rogue feels really bad after noticing how important AoE damage is.

The new auras for champion monsters sounds like a cool idea and it’s probably something we will see eventually.


Gj i’m like Merry Bobbins!
At least now anyway… tick, tick, freakin tickin tickity tick, tick!

The whole point of the game is slaying hordes of demons…


The game is kinda fundamentally built around taking on ‘demonic hordes’ though, as described by Blizzard at least. They want there to be overwhelming numbers of enemies attacking you; that’s kind of the point. I don’t think they’re going to pivot and pare back enemy density when that seems to be one of their selling points.

Yes, but quality over quantity works also for monsters - not just loot.

Having less monsters doesn’t mean that there still couldn’t be rooms packed with skeletons and other areas like that.


its almost as if there are thousands of users on this forum and many of them have different opinions

Crazy! i know!

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i disagree i like tons of monsters to kill


Very true! That’s why they shouldn’t listen to any of them because they will never make everyone happy.

I haven’t seen this video posted on this forum yet, so I’ll leave it here:

The Act Man doesn’t sound too serious on his videos, but he knows exactly what he is talking about. I added a timestamp to skip to the part where he is talking about monster density.

D4 is not D1 and year 1996 is not 2023, but maybe it’s easier for zoomers to watch this kind of video to understand what is wrong with D4.


And the thing that worries me more with how currently things are set up - feels like the current design isn’t a fluke or things being a result of a rush

The one-shot is everywhere yes but events are timed just right so that if you don’t one-shot a couple times the timer expires before you kill the 5th and final wave of all that “fluff”

So they timed the waves exactly in a manner expecting them to be one-shot… w.t.f., also obvious that “hard content” is balanced to be that (Blood Seekers, Butcher albeit a bit overtuned tbh), but the rest is just useless fluff… Why ? :person_shrugging:

Like organize loot, reduce the fluff, enhance summoners, and include some cool mechanics for monsters at higher levels so we don’t fight the same mobs for more than 80 levels all the time. Right about lvl90-100 they suddenly gain a bigger DPS increase and then you start getting one-shot back…

It’s bad, and the worse part of it all it’s bad for no real particular reason tbh

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I’m not a d2 fanboy at all, and I agree. Go play d3 if you want easier. or another game altogether.

cant wait to see what snarky comeback you have for that since you cannot use the “d2fanboy” trump card.

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