Please put a door or a portal in the pit so we can easily leave it

If you’re pushing Pit, and you want to leave, you’re basically stuck there once you aggro mobs, until you kill them. For my build (Flay), sometimes that can take as long as three or more minutes. Sitting in a run for 3 minutes whacking on mobs, knowing the whole time that it’s just so I can leave and reset, is so dang tedious. It just doesn’t make sense that there’s isn’t a door or a portal back to town at the start of every Pit run.

I know the devs are anti-fishing or whatever, but the reality is that you’re going to have fishing at the top end if there’s any kind of variety at all. And you need variety for the content not to be mind-numbingly boring.

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You can tp out of the pit. I’m lost here.


I was about to say, it even pops up a little warning message as you’re teleporting that the Pit will close if you teleport out.

I think the issue is you can’t TP out if the enemies are aggro’d on you. They will just interrupt your channeling. And if OP is playing HC, dying to lose aggro obviously isn’t an option. Could use Scroll of Escape in HC I guess but would seem a bit silly to waste them like that. If OP is playing SC though, yeah just die to lose aggro, respawn, and then TP out.

I am playing HC, yep

Just kill the immediate mobs then bounce.

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It’s a pit it’s not going to have a door. In the immortal words of Chief Wiggum:

No, no. Dig up, stupid.

Don’t ask for an easy way out if you choose to push in HC. You know the risk.


Lmao I did 150 last season on the squishiest Barb build on HC, I’m not asking for an easy way out. I’m asking not to have to spend 3 minutes killing mobs a with a trillion HP just so I can leave the dungeon.