Intricacy Passive - Upon casting an Ultimate Skill, the last Potency, Defensive, or Focus Skill you cast prior becomes FREE TO CAST for 1/2/3 seconds.
Razorwings -
Charges: 3
Whirl out a cluster of razor sharp spirit feathers that rebound back, dealing 70% damage each way.
Enhanced Razor Wings
Razor Wings makes enemies Vulnerable for 5 seconds when hitting with a Critical Strike or from behind.
Invasive Razor Wings
Razor Wings consumes 3 Charges to send out a spiral of 3 wings at once.
Aspect of Deflection
While active, Counterattack reflects incoming Razor Wings back out again. Other Small Missiles are also deflected back at enemies and deal [25-30]% of Counterattack’s Base damage on impact.
The Seeker - Ultimate of choice. Knocks down and puts Vulnerable on enemies, base 3 charge (can temper for more).
Together with the Permanent Counterattack combo:
Invasive Rushing Claw + Counterattack + Aspect of Plains of Power (massive multiplier btw, nothing even comes close) + Aspect of Temporal Incisions
This will allow you to fill the map with infinite Razorwings that endlessly bounce off your permanent counterattack, crashing game servers. Nerf asap or say goodbye to your servers.