Please Make Trade Convenient

How to search for items with specific combo of affixes? Ask? Beg? Sure, for something of relative general use, yes. But what if my strange build requires some item combination that only 1/100 people will care to keep? Beg 99 people just to get “ftw you’d need that” response?

We so much need to find solution for this. Game builds are so complicated and trading is non-existent to cover it.

I asked for trading lobbies and grouping
People better advised for Auction House…
Idk what, but we definitely need something!


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people will tell you to go to a trade site or use discord. I will not.

okay then, go suffer

I beat the game, no suffering at all.

I think bind on trade(no flipping) with an improved trading system is much needed.

sure you did, that’s why you’re in the forums complaining about trading :billed_cap:

Yes, I’d love an Auction House and one that, most importantly, does not impact drop rates!

Until we get an AH though your best bet is imho.

would you like a quick clip of my solo self found gear?
Super Duper Neato SSF Gears DIV style via RNG GAMBA