I dont agree with either side. What should be rolled back is the change for helltide chests so ppl can actually target farm uniques and the chance of getting a shako/gf is reasonable instead of non-existant.
If one guy found a bug or expoilt and before he made a video showing the world he got his whole clan to do it before the masses could get in… simple now?
I believe I made my thoughts on the issue well known, I don’t agree with them in the game but I’m going to assist in keeping your thread bumped so that others may vote.
I agree and am pleased you made this post. Having one sided opinions on things I’m sure we can all agree is just bad all around.
Doesn’t appear this post is well seen (which I don’t believe) because the lack of hearts/likes but maybe, JUST MAYBE, those who are strongly against removing the “mistake” items haven’t seen this post yet… Lets not fool ourself and keep in mind “those people” are extremely quick and resourceful with both time and energy to ensure others are aware of their thoughts (it’s just a game etc.) to constantly and persistently make posts elsewhere.
As it stands with my post:
For keeping the ‘mistake’ items:
3 days
4 hearts
8 days
1,500-1,599 likes (I’ll err to the unknown and say 1,500 likes)
812 hearts.
You can do the math to average out the heart and like ratio but doesn’t seem many that “care to keep them” actually care enough to take part of this post to voice their thoughts like the opposing group has
But here is a bump for this post and to those who may have missed this in all the craziness. Up up up for the weekend!
Let the drop rate stand, if even just till Season 1. Or once an every month open the drop rates up on the eternal realm for one weekend like a special recurring event.
Remove all Uber uniques dropped during that period of “how could we f this update up so bad”
Play dumb because your programmers couldn’t take them back even if they wanted to because you spent all your budget on marketing an unfinished game.
Their priorities seem a$$ backwards but that’s just me.