Please let us ZOOM OUT

they won’t allow you to zoom out because then the cosmetic shi()t they selling you will be worthless. although it is already worthless.

I know you zoomed in the game in order to sell cosmetics and because I know this I am going to make extra sure that I spend as little money on this game as possible.

fix it because it’s not playable like this

Make DIV First Person. Should be Zoom Zoom enough.

+1 zoom out the camera

Make it like the view when you teleport to Dark Ravine dungeon but throughout the game and it would a perfect angle and view then the devs could put one issue to bed.

Should just increase the max zoom level to the world boss zoom level, it feel so much better.

plz blizzard.

this is crazy

OMG! Blizz look. just do it some how some way and how you say at your cons. you listen to your players. so! get it done plz. your people have spoken. do the right thing. I think I can say somthing on our side as a part of Blizz. players is that we like what you do and make good on what your people on stage say. Let us ZOOM OUT…

P.S. I know you can Because of world boss. Please, Thanks, Late.

This is the first thing PoE thought me. It was also the first setting I changed after finishing the campaign. It has been so much easier.

Sure they will do that but it will be paid for in next expansion lol, still no runes? Wow

I think it’s strange they haven’t implemented this yet.

More zoom would be awesome.