Please let us ZOOM OUT

Lets keep bumping this thread until we get a blizzard response. Ridiculous that something so essily tweaked should be damaging so many players gameplay experience.

I litteraly just dont feel able to play anything ranged. It doesnt feel right at all.


+1 for real - the camera view in the Ashava event would be nice.


Not sure if you are joking, but you can zoom in.

My idea exactly ! I canā€™t see what Iā€™m trying to shoot at and yet I definitely need that distance, so itā€™s just out of the current max zoomed out view. Itā€™s a pain !


The game looks so so much better when it auto zooms out while crossing bridges, etc. Please let us have that!


I would enjoy 10%-15% more zoom out. Then again Iā€™m used to it ultra fast again.


Day 55. Woke up, need zoom out


You understand that the claustrophobic feeling is EXACTLY what theyā€™re going for here, right? Play some D1/D2 and youā€™ll see what I mean.
It is supposed to be like that.

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My eyesight is terrible and it looks perfect on a 34" Ultrawide to me. Characters actually look on the small side if anything. POE and the likes are much more zoomed in.

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Iā€™m not opposed to zooming out but for anyone who has played Diablo since the first installment knows that Diablo was always meant to have a bit of a horror & thriller aspect to it. Constricting the play to a limited vision of what is ahead of them keeps them from knowing what will attack next. By the time they see the enemy there isnā€™t allot of time to react. This hones a playerā€™s skill and reaction time as well as getting your heart racing when attacked by something you didnā€™t expect. This combined with keeping dungeons dark provides the game with the aspect of surprise that will keep some players on the edge of their seats. This is one thing that pulled me into Diablo in the first game decades ago. I love it. Seeing more of the map would just make the game way to easy for me more and less fun.

In Diablo, it was always normal for the player to have this limited view causing ranged classes to fire projectiles off screen before moving forward just to see if there was something there to hit. Seasoned Diablo players likely do this allot especially at lower levels.

As I said Iā€™m not opposed to it though as some players may not enjoy the element of being surprised and/or need extra time to react to what is attacking them. Remember though that doing so will cause more things to require rendering at once since more things will be visible and this could cause greater requirements on graphics cards. Making the game render more depending on the zoom is not a good idea as zooming in and out quickly would cause a great deal of lag.

Lastly, Iā€™ll say that currently if you cannot see the creatures most of them cannot aggro you. So, in many cases allowing you to zoom out could create an unfair advantage. As you could see creatures that basically canā€™t agrro or ā€œSeeā€ you so to speak. This would allow players to see creatures that canā€™t attack them and have time to develop a strategy to take them out. This takes away from the aspect of the game and may make it unbalanced in ways.

Yes im sure it looks fine on your ultrawide. For everyone else zooming out would work just fine.


Nah, Iā€™d prefer they actually go closer and make a third person over the shoulder view or go full FP.

I agree with this. The zoom could be a bit better but its not a make or break thing for me, at least.

People with Ultra-Wide monitors can see enemies from extremely far away.

Us 5kā€™ers get that crap black bar on each sideā€¦

Iā€™ve been looking at some gameplay videos, and the camera is both a bit too close, and too vertical, almost like a side-scroller.


itā€™s been a while, but isnā€™t there a lot more going on in d4 than there was in d1. i dont remember d1 ever feeling so crowded even vs the lower difficulties in d4. thereā€™s not much to think about in many of these situations tactically. youā€™ll have a narrow cavern literally just packed full of enemies with a camera right on top of the mosh. at least let me see more of the cave. idk. it feels claustrophobic.

especially in town. itā€™s just too close. it doesnā€™t make sense there. they literally just want you checking out other peoplesā€™ gear. and you cant really trade (buzzkill), so youā€™re essentially just being encouraged to buy their cosmetics in the real money shop. old blizz would never base their design philosophy around this crap. thereā€™s no good reason to not include a higher zoom OPTION, at the very least in town.

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I support this %100. At time when fighting with bosses and distant enemies the game looses its smoothness and feels like a bad product and a bad user experience. I think this should be solved and cane be solved with %15-%20 zoom out.


Would be great if all the bootl1ckers could make your own thread please. ā€œIts for effect to make it feel claustrophobicā€ oh please.

D2 sidnt have this problem. D3 didnt have this problem. They are permitting ultrawide and giving them teleport advantage.

Any semblence of balance or effect is already out the window.

Zoom out 15% would fix a lot of issues overnight. Also teleport needs to default to max range even without enemies around. It feels really bad being crippled like this vs pc.

And they say its a console game even with no rumble or haptics pleaee stop.

Just for the record im still playing and feel the game is an 9/10. Doesnt mean these little tweaks dont need fixing.


Yes, please let us zoom out more! The camera just feels a tad too zoomed in, especially out in the open world.

I know Blizz doesnā€™t really take theyā€™re own forums seriously, but posting to keep the thread visible in the slight chance it gets passed on as wanted by the playersā€¦