Please just enjoy the game

I’ve played a necro every season with a different build, (well s0 and 1 I was really really trying to make a mainly shadow DOT build work). And I love em. They are slow as hell but have excellent battlefield control if you build em for it. Bonespear is still also pretty good, just not as busted as it used to be.

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Necro the only class i didnt play but wanted to eventually… if season 4 somhow brings somthing good to the game i mite roll necro. Its up to the pc players to test the game now so i hope yall make some good decisions in ptb and good luck my friend… ptb will probably be somthing new and different to play im on series X so i wont be able to try it even after i bought the 100$ game yall did

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I’m hoping for some changes as well, but now that the corporate beast has conglomerated into Micractizard, we’ll just have to see.

I see a good base that needs some tuning and fleshing out, with the possibility of a better game down the road. According to my gpu’s log, I’ve played this game for around 500 hours since launch, so honestly, if it got totally shut down tomorrow, I’d be mildly annoyed, but I’ve gotten my money’s worth. Lol


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I’m just out of stash space to do it.

I am thinking of buying another account to dump my rares, but I am thinking with Season 4, most of my “hoarded” yellows will probably be salvageable or useless, so I will roll a necro in season 4 probably.

I also think the aspect management portion with the codex will be overhauled so I’m hoping i can store or level up aspects when I get perfect aspects.

There’s a lot of feels bad as I sell or salvage perfect rare aspects - mainly umbral and other resource only ring ones. Most of my builds are waiting for that “perfect” piece of gear, so I am just holding one MAYBE 2 perfect aspects in case I get a good side grade with more utility.

I am however always out of max retals for some reason, edgemaster seems to be flavor of the day also on some builds. (i’ve been keeping 19 / 20 percenters) as I go through gear upgrades.

It’s somewhat funny, I have some max rolled general aspects that I sell once I run out of space, then next season they become useful (inner calm, retal, edgemasters - all of these I never kept in season 1 or pre season 1).


Yeah, and I know the President Of The United States who secretly plays pong.

You miss read like my whole argument which wasnt towards you. It’s the other guy who is basically trying to state that anyone who plays MMO’s has no right to comment in Diablo games.

You forgot to mention that every five minutes, which they call seasons, you are pushed out the door and need to pay a fee to be allowed to stay inside still waiting for your basic burger.

That fee alone would buy you a good burger at a nearby small competitor.

lol, do you find it so hard to believe the devs play PoE instead of D4? Or is it just incomprehensible that someone could know a dev? They’re people just like everyone else. They also have social networks. I knew them well before they were a dev for D4. (oh, and surprise, they played PoE then too)

You misread my response, lol. I just used your comment as a jumping off point to quickly short-circuit the wierd stereotyping dude was doing, then threw in some rambling for good measure to show that, yes, people who have played mmos can have measured opinions about the game. Lol.

Notice how that whole side of the ‘argument’ got derailed? Lol

Sorry, but some poster who claims to know a dev isn’t something I’m going to take at face value. Either list that dev’s name or just admit that you are full of it.

You read title, came in here and posted in said thread.

Most people walk passed the stores they don’t like, you came in and went shopping!

Like they say, don’t be part of the problem, be the whole problem!


First of all I won’t name and shame someone I know, as I am an outspoken critic of this game. Secondly, I could Google any name? How would that be proof? I also don’t really care if you believe me. Take it for what it is, just a stranger on the internet making a claim. I don’t mind if you don’t believe me, but I think there are people who would find it interesting that the devs don’t even play their own game.

So you’re full of it. Got it. Moving on now.

Zoom Out, Map Overlay, Item re-work.

I will repeat these three things every time. Until Blizzard implements them the game will never be playable for me. The keywords words are “for me”. All the other stuff they are adding is great, but means absolutely nothing if the main three points above aren’t acknowledged. Season 4 should give us a little more clarity on what the future of the game will look like.

1st complining about something is the reason things get fixed/improved.
2nd name the nice thing they did? I suppose you´re refering tho the backtracking dungeon with a ladderboard they called “the gauntlet” that is made for the no lifers filled with uber uniques. If you like it kudos for you, what I expect form an arpg is nice loot and good mechanics. Both are lackluster this season and lol at the ppl calling ppl that complain a minority, look at the retention numbers of D4 and then look at others arpgs. I liked D4, not so much after S3, I hope S4 changes my mind.

Everything gets derailed here… Most of us just use the forums now as venting and therapy of sorts.

Cause we know for a fact blizz doesnt account for any feedback here. Only on twitter and reddit.

The problem i have at the moment is i dont enjoy it for more than a week or two in a season that lasts 3 months

I want HDR fixed , RT, and the Crows to have Red eyes :slight_smile:

Sometimes people are too critical for their own good to enjoy stuff. Like the little mermaid.

I’m not sure about anyone else but my clan mates and I are doing just that…enjoying the game and the voice banter & laughs.

More tools for clans would be great but we make do with what we have and make the most of it.

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