Please Fix/Nerf Blood Wave Necromancer

Please fix Necromancer Blood Wave, it’s already hitting for trillions of damage, and we have the whole Spiritborn imbalance from season 6 again, where one class is far above the others.

Please don’t wait until season 8 to address this. Do it now, or you will drive even more people away from the game.


“Build Im not playing is too powerful. Please nerf it.”

Ill never understand this mentality.


again, they are not nerfing builds inside a season as long as it doesnt cause performance issues. They stated it multiple times by now. You can dislike that but youll have to Live with it.


that’s a weird way of saying ‘nerf sorc’ again.


Bro stop trolling, it’s not just too powerful. It’s totally out of balance, and killing all the multiplayer aspects of the game, as teaming up with Blood Wave Necros degrades other classes to NPCs.

In a pure single player scenario, your point might be valid. Also don’t assume i do not play it, as i roll a Necro every season, and of course am too looking forward to the new uniques, but one season of totally trivialized content is more than enough.


Who cares, It doesn’t affect you in any way. Im a rogue and doing just fine. Dont give a crap if someone is playing a broken Necro. I dont understand this mentality.


Yeah, it’s dumb. Everyone and their mothers is playing it. It’s so far ahead of the others that is it comically bad. Paragon 20 characters kill T3 bosses in one shot or two. Fun, but it would be better if zones were solo as I would simply do my things without seeing it.

At this point, they should either nerf it very quickly (and by just a insignificant amount in the grand scheme of things like 30-40%), or temporarily buff every other skill in the game, which they won’t as it would alter the overall balance for future seasons.

If anything, it should have been nerfed before the S7 started as people who played the PTR knew this was going to happen.


Ngl I feel like Necros deserve it, the class used to struggle for a long time. I really hope they focus on Sorc next because everyone is A tier or above except Sorc… they really need to fix this class or simply rework it totally.

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I could care less because it doesn’t affect me.

S6 I played a Sorc and then rolled a SB midseason for the lulz.

S7 I am playing a Sorc… and looks like I’ll be rolling a Necro midseason for the lulz.


I will care when leaderboards are online… until then… whatever.


Doesn’t matter if it affects me or not, or if Blizzard said multiple times that they will not nerf mid season. However after the debacle of the Spiritborn last season and around 3/4 of the players leaving at or right after mid season patch this needs to be addressed now before we have Spiritborn part 2.

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well, thats not up to you to decide. so it does indeed matter that


I never said it was up to me. It’s not up to you either to decide what I think or say is relevant to you, but if you want to troll, go ahead.

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It’s the same excuse and lazy shield they use to defend non-existent game or play testing.

There’s no economy to protect unlike in POE where a nerf that shifts a meta could have a considerable impact on trade league economy.

Blizzard have no excuse. I feel like this conversation happens every season. It’s 100% down to ineffective testing or zero desire to balance at all.

Regurgitating the line “we don’t nerf mid season” is just a license to be lazy and do nothing about yet ANOTHER busted class in a season.

It’s not longer an ARPG where you actually have a choice in classes. It’s play the latest broken meta or struggle. It’s getting very, very old.


Play the game, and stop watching what streamers do.


I’ve been playing the game for seven seasons.

I don’t need to watch streamers to show up to Legion or any open world content and have the screen explode and disappear before I can take a single action. That I can feel quite happily in game. That is what happened in VoH with SB and it’s happening again now with Necro.

Using the idea that “streamers are the problem” is a little blind to the fact that this is also an in-game experience. This isn’t just about streamers.


its not trolling to say what their stance on these things are. as i said above, you can dislike that, but youll have to accept that.

oh, the game that regularily suffers from dupes and rmt, just like d4?


What has that got to do with balancing classes? I was pointing out the reason that POE are hesitant to balance classes or make large changes is because of a player econonmy that D4 doesn’t really need to consider.

Can we maybe try and stick to the point instead of taking a Nyurei side angle.

well, you brought economy into it. soooo what exactly does that have to do with balancing? Your excuse for poe being hesitant on balancing also hardly makes sense.

As i said, you can scream and stomp your feet on the ground all you want. They made their stance clear. At this point, this discussion really is just a waste of energy.


Maybe you should read my post again before keyboard gangstering a response.

This had nothing to do with spiritborn. Most people finish the season before the midseason patch.

S7 is ultra casual just like 4, 5 and 6. The game has no challenge and loot rains from the sky. This is now exactly like D3 season, good for a week ot two.

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