Please don't wait until season 1 to fix the druid loot table bug

I’ve had over 70 unique drops. Less than a third have been druid items. We’re not making it up.

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The more uniques you get, the more you are likely to see repeats.

you really are daft.

We are losing DRUID SPECIFIC uniques. THAT ARE NOT 2h Maces or Axes.


How are you this dumb? seriously.


In order for that to be true item drops on drop, would have to make decisions like this

Is it unique? no → is it legendary? ->no is it rare-> yes ->is it weapon? no → ETC

That is not how diablo has ever done it.

None of us are part of the dev team, none of us know how diablo team implemented the loot table exactly. There might be some technical reasons why it takes longer it seems to fix. But I agree this shouldn’t be a problem to begin with. It sounds like a big bug.

I’ve gotten 4 Oathkeepers, 3 Ancient’s, 1 hell mace. All of those could have been a tempest roar, which I’ve never seen. Mad wolf’s glee I’ve only seen once. It is really frustrating. I finally picked up a greatstaff of crone this morning. I get more barb uniques than Druid. It’s absurd.


I’m still waiting for Tempest Roar…
It might have been better if they didn’t admit there is an issue with druid loot table. No one would know anyway.

But knowing the issue is there, many druids have been irritated and wish they will do the patch or hot fix soon.
And so far they have not given a date for it. Only saying before Season 1.

I’ve been doing a lot of helltide to increase the chance of legend/unique drops. And it isn’t exciting to hear a unique drop and realize it is not a helm. Will just chuck it in the stash for collection purposes.

I wish they will hotfix this asap before sentiments of the druid players whom have been unable to get the uniques they needed grow too frustrated and just abandon.


at least when you get a helm you get 2 shots at Tempest Roar (if you still need it) or Shako

But it’s usually a Vasily’s Prayer…

I’m at 109 Uniques… I’ve seen 0 Melted Heart of Seligs

Meanwhile i have 13 butcher cleavers.

I have never seen a unique in WT4 yet except some frost gloves and about 4 barb weapons instead of my own class.

The loot certainly isn’t equal chance for all uniques. Looking at unique druid helms -
At least I haven’t heard of a person who has gotten 6+ Tempest Roars and not a single Vasily.

Don’t you guys think they would if they could?

Like y’all really think they’re just procrastinating or just putting it on hold to piss you guys off?

EZ fix for this when they do fix the bug put an NPC in to let us turn these useless barb weapons into something for druids at our current level for having to sit on them for so long but what truly bothers me is they are worried about balance b4 bugs its nerf after nerf to xp dungeons dps and so on but not bug fixes

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It gets much better. I was the same it was a real pain. Once i got the shockwave lego and did the pulv build it became amazing. Find a build you like and Gun for those items… It gets way better

another really awful thing is once this IS fixed you will NEVER see another werebear build EVER. its going to make every druid player ever want to be tempest wolf and therefor turn us into a one trick pony lol. but seriously if one of these barbarian items didnt show up in our loot pool i assume the “unique” rng would still trigger, which would give another shot at it rolling tempest or staff of crones. at the moment we are having to fight rng with extra odds on items we cant even use. THAT is why this is bad.

some people (like me) just want to be a werewolf, ive always loved them and its one of the main reasons i rolled druid. there arent many games where you can be a werewolf, there arent many movies where you see them either. so its either Skyrim, that awful werewolf apoc game or in dungeons and dragons. i wanna be a werewolf, and id like to be viable and not get murdered or removed from groups for “Not having the essential uniiques” or just feeling underpowered in general.

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this is the unfortunate side effect of powers and abilities being underpowered and requiring items to make them viable, if you cant get the item well…build is sol.

Every single unique weapon(except one) I got has been for barb. I have all the druid uniques except Vasily’s Prayer. And iv gotten them multiple times. I also have Temerity, Razorplate, Fists of Fate, Frostburn, Butcher’s Cleaver, and Penitent Greaves.

I have never, not once, seen a Druid Unique weapon. I would LOVE to get either crone or gibb! But now iv seen Ancients Oath 4 times, Hellhammer 3 times, and Overkill twice.

When they get it fixed they need to push it out immediately, assuming it isn’t already fixed and they are waiting for some big patch.

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Same here. have not seen tempest roar, getting a bunch of barb uniques and i have been stashing paragon points as well so that i dont have to refund them when i actually get it.

Cant push any higher tiers NM as a human tornado druid unless i change to pulverize.

impeding our late game progression, now seriously thinking of changing to another class.

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There are three druid unique weapons counting the Butcher’s Cleaver.

The barbarian weapons do not impact your ability to find them.

Rage-quitted D4 today, after another barb mace.
I cant handle it anymore.

Wont be playing it till they fix it.
Its beyond absurd that half of all uniques I get are barb uniques, instead of proper druid uniques.