PLEASE Don't add pets

That is not a statisticalky valid sample. For a different issue, you tried to make a similar argument. When one is tryimg to understand the views of a particular populatiion , one needs to ask a representative sample. if you are trying to unddrstand the views of D4 players, one needs to ask D4 players broadly including those that do not visit the forum that is the vast majority of the playerbase. People who visit the D4 forum are a biased population.

Next, looking at likes is a terribke metric. So forum members are biasrd population and then you are only counting views of those who opened a thread. Then you are only counting tbose who opened a thread and gave a like. This is not even representative of forum members broadly, let alone tbe entire D4 playerbase.

Thevreality is minion/pet builds exist in D2, D3, and D4. Pets that collect goldvexists for all classes on D3. Presumablt, it is only a matter of time before petz tgat collect gold are introduced in D4.

Thr last 2 times you and I got into a disagreememt you said something similar. Ultimately, Blizzard themselves communicated that I was in fact correct about game rules.

I already walk around town with an army of glowing Pokemon.

I think it’s fine if the pets are thematic, like a dog or a cat or a deer.

D3’s companions were 100 times better since they had skills you could select from and their stories were developed over the course of the game.

Im not saying add them tomorrow lol. Fix everything else first lol.

Good thing the pets being added are not Pikachu or Charmander, then. Your precious immersion is safe.

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Didn’t they mean that as in minion builds/pet companion builds?

if not then yeah no pets. ffs

the mmo stuff is already bad, go make the arpg stuff more robust. and less empty.

a merc would definately be super awesome, but totally agree, no pets please. pets and wings were super annoying in diablo 3 already.

I couldn’t disagree more. Hopefully they would give an option for people to turn them off but pets were more than cosmetic they picked up gold and stuff.

They could do some really cool stuff with pets if they wanted to. They could make a whole sub collection of pets to chase. Pets that do different things. Pets that are better than others or upgradable pets.

But we will probably end up with more totally uninspired systems like Gems & Sigils.

Sorry OP.
Lots of other people want nicer horsies, loot collecting minions, minions is core gameplay for some and you would accept mercenaries. :man_shrugging:

Yeah but what if Blizz finds a way to monetize pets? Then they’ll surely be fun for the player.


Didn’t they make other players Pets translucent to the point of practically invisible in D3?

That’s all they’d have to do with D4. A translucent blurr.
Though… The All Mighty Micro-T God$ would likely want us all to see one anothers pets.

IF they were made to be extremely subtle and visually/thematically et al non-intrusive to other players and their experience - I’m all for a Helltide Cinder gobbling little critter by my side.
One thing about a high mobility speed farming build in Helltides is 5 steps forward - 5 steps back. I’d love a loot assistant.

Pets are likely coming, and if they serve a purpose beyond just looking lame, and causing lag, I would be pretty neutral on them. However, the day I see frigging wings in game is the day I uninstall. I just do not understand the fetish, and why devs seem to think wings are in any way cool.

There is a reason why people is leaving this game in masses, and it is becoming pretty obvious why.

LOL…get a clue…they were in the last game!!!

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Audios muchacha!! Here is a hint…they are called cosmetics.

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I would never buy pets, followers, or wings. I expect that for free.

Eventually, I suspects pets will be introduced where some will be free while some will be purchaseable. I envision, that ot will be like mounts in D4.

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I wholeheartedly disagree. They’re functional and improve quality of life in the game. If you don’t want it, don’t use it.


There are already wings in game. They came with the more expensive version of D4.

Here is a picture of my druid in game with wings. I think that these wings are called wings of the creator.