Please consider Map Overlay

70% of the gameplay is looking at the top right screen, I really miss map overlay of diablo2. I don,t care how amazing the expansion is, if you add map overlay it will be the greatest addition to the game!


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Yes, I would love to see this feature.
Image you are in Helltide with endless monster spamming and you want to look for the mystery chest. This is even more fun in hardcore.

That’s the first and only time I’ve seen an argument for overlay that makes sense. Helltide HC. However, if you’re in helltide and have to look at the map you can do it on the move fairly easily.

Teleporting out is the real problem. Press T, and find a new waypoint from town takes care of that.

Hopefully they’ll let us hotkey waypoints to help with that.

They’ve specifically said they don’t want to do an overlay.

It takes away from the look & feel of the game, and the cosmetics, which they want you to see (likely why the camera has limited zoom control too).

They might add it at some point but i wouldn’t expect it anytime soon.

Didn’t have it in D3 and that was successful enough. They do have it in PoE and half the time it makes things worse.

They would have to figure out a way to add it that doesn’t interefere with gameplay. I’m not against it, but i don’t get why so many people want it and think it’s needed.