Whirlwind direct is so bad and could really use some buffs, so I can actually go whirlwind and not twister barb. Please keep asking for it, I don’t know why they didn’t buff it next patch!
Yeah I find it really sad how they’ve made multiple attempts at making Ghors apealing yet dont understand it CAN NOT be appealing while WW damage itself is so poor
I think gohrs is just a troll item at this point.
We don’t do spin2win here…We do that over in the Rogue forum with Dance of Knives.
Don’t forget DD aspect! I don’t want my barb to spew out tornadoes, if I did want a character that spew’s out tornadoes I’d go for a druid.
I know this isn’t toatally what you may want, but i have not tested it, but i am about too theory craft it.
basically, you can use the universal barb mechanics, like Stun for example, an see if by using those mechanic that are not Dust devils or earthquakes etc. and see what might work, daze could be another to add.
I have begun building a frost hota LH barb and so far its fun, Idc if my characters reach T4 though so.
something you could try perhaps.
Gohr’s could be fixed if it did a few things:
- Enemies damaged by Whirlwind erupt in a pool of Blood. Enemies standing in the Blood Pool take X Bleeding Damage per Second, Whirlwind Damage is increased by x50% and you are Unstoppable while in Blood Pools.
Lucky Hit: Critical Strikes to enemies in Blood Pools have a 35% Chance to Pull Enemies to you. Pulled Enemies and Bosses deal 20% less damage for 4 seconds.
There needs to also be a Unique item (Boots) that allows you to cast Shouts, WoTB, CoTA, Weapon Mastery Skills, and Defensive Skills while Channeling Whirlwind.
Easiest way to retain players in today’s climate is to make WW great again!!!
Frenzy Thorns ftw!
i think you can make frenzy thornes pretty good now with the amount of life ppl can stack
The damage stacking conflicts, and Carapace is very weak.
If you don’t know how to make freeze barb, you tap into luck hit, stack some LH freeze tempers and level pole arm and use that expertise as this boosts LH and even use the elixir of advantage to further boots it, and you can use this with any build as its not skill specific.
LH is also a good stat to tap into for other CC like stun, slow, etc if you want less elemental barb, use retribution to get a multiplier on a 2H mace or sword and use stack some knock down and LH stun for example and you no longer rely on the distant chance to stun. Meaning that multiplier can proc more often right so this works with any skills.
and you can fine tune from there. There are many paths for stun and knock down though compared to Freeze. so you don’t “need” LH for stun.
May very well not be a strong T4 build idk haven’t tried it, but getting crit frozen shots with hota is very fun. and it can be WW too, since it’s not skill specific.
and you can try other CC like stun and slow and use creeping death if you don’t like elemental damage as much, knock downs etc there is ways to make barb more weapon and less “Sorc” just need to use different paths to buff the multipliers and when the boots your damage,
Do they all scale to T4 worth, probably not, i don’t have time to test all possible combinations lol, but it’s fun building with the options, so yes WW may need a buff, but have you tried all solutions?
All builds with WW have been tested. The problem is the Base Damage for WW is very low and Gohr’s is pretty bad. DD/EQ is the only halfway viable WW build and it really isn’t WW doing the damage. This also takes ridiculous items for it just to be viable.
Sure live in a bubble, that is fine. you are so combative that you cannot see I am speaking to casuals. That want to have fun! and don’t care about T4, which is why I said this isn;t about it being strong. Its about the people that are never going to try and have fun.
If all you care and test isn max pit viable, thats great, live in misery idc, i am not talking to that group, so not sure how many times i need to say it!
i don’t care about playing D4 like a spreadsheet, and only play something if it is S tier viable , i simply do not care and are not talking about that.
I also want the barb passives and aspects fixed that don’t work crimson to be viable etc . But you know that hasn’t happened and we are at xpac 1 so gotta play to have fun over all else in D4.
I could understand if i says guys got this T4 build all figured out must try, but i didn’t and have not. I never have, you do that, becasue that is the world you live intake the blinders off or please stop replying to me, thinking you are a hero.
I am sure all possible builds and every possible combination has been field tested…yeah ok. sure.
You do you sir, i could give 0 f’s
Your comment is off topic. The people on these forums do not care about how Whirlwind performs in Tier 2 and just want to “have fun”. For most players, having fun is being able to progress and not watch as their character hits like a wet noodle. It means having build diversity so that things like Azurewrath (which you mentioned) could be cobbled together in a functional build.
Oh sorry, didn’t realise this public space was hall monitored. Can you show me your ID please sir.
Oh here we go again, now i am off topic and you want to point that out, omg, so clever of you. Yes i am aware, i can’t be bothered taking every barb related thought into its own thread.
Man you really got a bee in you bonnet with me huh, do you roam the barb halls or something lol, fair enough you can have your little club, idc.
All i saw was crying about twister barb and wanted to be positive, becasue what is actually more pathetic than the WW barb is being so blind to all the great fun in D4, didn’t mean to burst your bubble.
But you don’t need to twist my meaning and words every time i post there is a ignore feature feel free to use it , if you don’t like what i have to say
Problem with AZURE wrath is like all the dam Unique weapons are weak compared to GA’s so i wouldn’t use it in a freeze build i would use the temper instead. and two tempers sure eats a temper but better than on AZure. for freeze change, so not needed at the very least to make a frost barb. Sure it can be used to stack but a extra 20% chance to freeze isn’t worth its weakness, since i am not even level 60 yet on this test adn have no problem crit freezing with rng rolls, so should be fine. I would rather drink a elixir of advantage.
but again i am not going down that path, I see crying and i might mistake it, and I see other posts about wishing we had runes like D3 etc, so clearly some don’t understand how to do things that are fun, since it’s not on a plate in a simple rune choice.
That is the angle i am discussion not the meta loop, so for casuals reading they might get inspired to have fun and enjoy there builds more. Blinders off you see.
I am not going to pretend D4 only exists in a T4 runner club, because it does not.
So if you are not interested in that feel free to again ignore me and whoever else for all i care.
Your arguments would be more impactful if you were able to keep to a point.
The topic is Whirlwind needs a buff.
You come into the post attacking other players and telling them they are playing it wrong and it isn’t Whirlwind that is the problem but players just do not know how to have fun. By your own admission, you have not even tested anything, are max level, or even to the point where you can make an informed statement.
Whirlwind absolutely needs a buff and forcing players to use DD/EQ is not it.
I feel as though the reason (or, should I say, one of the main reasons, among other reasons) why some skills like WW have gone through this Patching Gauntlet of buffs and nerfs over time is due to what Blizz has described in the past (like in their campfire sessions) as tweaking the balances.
Apparently enough of the Devs feel as though that if they let WW get too good, the vast majority of Barb players will just switch their spec over to WW by default, then the devs get accused of “LOL GG NO BALANCE GAME RIP”.
Which is just another reason why I am looking forward to the Armory. I hope to Jod (god with a “J”, for giggles) that the armory actually turns out to be a well-designed thing because it will address a good chunk of the problems that this game has. Of course there is still tons of improvement to be done before and after the launch of the Armory, however it’s a step in the right direction.
I personally do agree to a certain extent with Vincent the OP as I directly know the pain as well.
In addition: I, too, would like to be able to construct a viable WW build that does not necessarily have to rely on twisters or DD’s, or standing almost-still in earthquakes (aka artificially slowing down the gameplay-quakes) .
I, too, would like to be able to have a WW build that does not require me to constantly spam the WW skill attack button as though I am playing Mario Party on the N64 and getting blisters on my hands in order for me to win. (If you know, you know).
Edit: BTW i only really read the Original Post ITT, so if there was some intervening drama posts in between I missed them
I’m still angry with the Devs for those unnecessary nerfs back in season 5 and 6 and until they feel good to play like they did back then, I won’t be playing.
Well the skill itself is still just a utility, but I’m doing the math on how I have my WW/Quakedevil setup and once considering all the changes as a whole I’m easily going to be doing 2-3x my current total dps.