Please Add trade chat filtering

With the recent patch of 1.5.1, trade chat was limited to WT which in my eyes was to remove the bot messaging from WT3 and WT4. Since then bots have returned to thise WTs. Is there plan in the future to allow players to place filter exlusions in the chats to stop this from occurring or are there items in place to ban these bots permanently?

This move did nothing to hinder the gold sellers.
But it sure did segregate players in different world tiers.
I don’t understand their reasoning.


well, leveling, or getting rushed through the capstones is a matter of a few minutes really.

as for your demand, you wont get a respond from a dev here. all you can do is report sellers and they will be gone from your chat.

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Thank you, I’m still looking for hope that it’s something they’ll look at in the future

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yea, some adjustable chat filter is a nice thing but really… i mean you see the adverts now a days. they use free spaces, special letters, etc etc. (since blizzard uses own filters already)

kind rough to really block those people for good sadly.

Might want to edit your title. Asking for blue posts to respond can get your post removed.

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The only move move that will hinder gold sellers is to make gold account bound. With infernal hordes it is now easier to get gold.


Preferably they would just get rid of chat. It’s a waste of dev time for something that will always be a bit of a trash hole. There are no actual solutions, just temporary bandaids.

Preferably they would pick a direction for the game and either go all in on trading, and create the needed UI and systems for that, or simply disable all trading. Either one is fine, but the game needs to be built around one of those choices.

There is barely any spam in the chat (EU), definitely an improvement over S4.

This season the bots have been using words like “WTS” for selling stuff.

Updated, thank you didn’t want it removed

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most of the time not a serious issue as long as the thread is polite and stuff, but here are the forum rules. things can lead to removals, and forum vacations, and in worst case, terminations.

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Yea your request was perfectly fine. Some people come in demanding stuff and bring a jerk so I don’t say anything lol but figured a quick edit would give you more chance of being heard.


Thank you. Much appreciated! :slight_smile:

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