Please add loadouts to S5

I’ll hand it to the devs, every season they’ve added tons of amazing QoL features, but we’re still missing tons of major QoL features from D3 ahmm controller targeting. But this isn’t about that, this is about LOADOUTS. I’ve been pushing my classes limits and testing my diablo prowess in the pit lately. This means I have to play the best build for my class, which also means I am playing a the build most suitable to beating the beefy end-game pit bosses. These builds shine in successfully exorcising the demon king awaiting at the end of the pit by sacrificing AoE potential for strength into focused damage. As I climb and climb, the enemies health increases and as a result my clear times too. I’m at a point where I feel like I hit the hard ceiling. In times like these, I wish I could walk up to the wardrobe and activate my second set (loadout) dedicated to speed farming. That way I can just turn off my brain, play music full blast, and just turbo farm everything while moving around the map at high rates of speed. I no longer want to test my diablo skill. I don’t want to continue chipping away at the hard ceiling like a prisoner with a sharpened toothbrush acting as a chisel attempting escape by carving out an exit. I desperately want to change the vibe up and blast. Please consider adding loadouts to D4 similarly to D3 as a S5 feature.