Player retention not kept even after your gauntlet launch

Wow…that was a totally bizarre 2 mins, holy cow level!

Wish it had been longer, that was awesome!



LOL, well if it’s not yuge, D5 will come out earlier and other expacs may be cancelled.

This is more to my liking. :metal:


D5 may be D4 a realm reborn

Hard to say because their source is inconsistent with the truth.

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The best we will have is twitch views to see relative activity - of course it’s a surrogate, but will be the closest.

Honestly, I look at it, the volume is so low, I don’t think you can really make any calls.

I think player retention relative to launch is a couple of issues on how you look at it:

Either nothing to retain in the first place (which is one way of looking at it).

Or with what was retained, which isn’t much, they have kept most of players?

Either way, doesn’t look good lol.

all that assuming that the twitch views are an indicator for the playerbase at all - especially this late into a season :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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well it does we just don’t know what the formal attachment ratios are when it gets this low.

Considering a large part of the population that plays do not watch twitch. And that ratio probably gets worse as the numbers go down.

You’ve probably already read my position on this several times and you know my background (I assume).

When numbers are this low, can’t really make much sense of it.

But that’s how bad it is.

Yeah numbers are cyclical anyway

They are, I think S4 numbers will prob be better than S3 numbers, I hope better than S2 numbers, then you would be correct Exiled about S4 bringing back players.

Guantlet was probably too little too late and a lot of people probably had a bad taste in their mouths with AOZ and the community leaderboards going on.

So not surprised guantlets weren’t an amazing revitalizing d4 event.


thats not at all suprising indeed. i mean, it was pretty clear that people who wouldnt be able to score nicely, would just drop it instantly or not even try it. Gauntlet is just a nice addition for the people who do want some form of compeptitive gameplay outside of pvp.


I think D4 is in a steady state now, been feeling that way since season 3 started.

Same points being rehashed, same issues, nothing really new popping up.

The house has settled so to speak.

And if I had 4 more stash tabs, I probably would be a happy camper to be fair.

Sure wish muffin would weigh in on this.

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I stopped playing because there’s no p[oint to grind after lvl 100 if you have to start all over again next season. All Im doing is trying to get some ubers that has a 1% to get.

That’s why I’m essentially eternal.

They have to find a better way to do seasons

Dang is it really that close?

You lost a lot of time writing a big (facebook like) text which have a complete wrong perception of what´s going on.

https : // activeplayer . io / diablo-4

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Op has a preconceived notion of the health of the game.

oh, i thought itd take a bit longer. Ill for sure have a look into it. Tho i dont really expect it to keep me engaged.