Playable Baby Sorcs suggestion (humor post)

Can we please have playable baby sorcs please?

JUST baby sorcs and NO OTHER baby class es please.

This way its realistic to the real world. -_-

There seems to be nothing but little babys that play sorcs for some reason. O_o… Haha
Everyone just complains and complains and complains that nothing gets done for sorcs…
Its like the aorc superpwer i guess… arent aorcs supposed to be “intelegent”…
Maybe by intelegently putting build synergies together will make sorcs strong and not utilizing bugs…

Do all these people who cry 100% of the time not stop to think for a sec…
That hey maybe if i stop complaining …
Maybe just maybe they will listen…
maybe they will improve or fix sorcs or whatever they are crying about all the time. Its like a bunch of 4 yr olds are only playing sorcs and dont know how to behave… and just rant n scream till they get their candy… -_-

Some say if we ALL stop playin then they will fix sorc… Yeah i dont think so… look at ALL the other classes that had issues… They fixed those… people played those all the time… sorc class shouldnt be an exception…

How about giving positive feedback…

If you look at any other class forumn there isnt any complaining. (Maybe one here or there). Most are at least more mature when they describe issues.

For sorcs 90% is people crying whining and screaming for fixing things… haha quite sad…

Im pretty sure (about 99%) this is the soul reason sorc isnt “getting fixed”… Its almost hilarious by this point…

Sorcs… just chill out please… post positive feedback (or at least mature feedback)…
or go play another class…
and if you hate the game and want to quit…
Then actually QUIT playing…
stop posting that you will…

they dont care if you quit… and certainly threating isnt the answer…

How about we stop crying for 1 whole season… and i bet they will consider our feedback more seriously…

If they still dont do anything… well then go back to crying i guess haha


What even is this post? Even overlooking English is not your first language, the message seems to be …“Don’t complain, and they will buff us”

I mean…are you new to Diablo 4? Or even Diablo in general? the squeaky wheel always gets the grease.

But it’s not a matter of mean-spirited developers, so much as the initial incompetent design of the class and resources unavailable to fix it.

The problems of the class are many fold. I’ll give you a brief list:

  • the class is designed around dealing AoE damage in an increasingly single-target lens
  • the class mechanics, such as Stun and Freeze, do not work on bosses.
  • The key passives do not scale or are non-functional
  • The aspects still have residual philosophy of kiss/curse which has never been corrected
  • the uniques are badly itemized and have stupid powers (Hello, Flamescar, Oculus and Iceheart Brias)
  • the class has 50% lower HP and no HP scaling, which necros, druids, and barbarians all enjoy.
  • The paragon board has residual antiquated design philosophy of “burning needs critical hit damage to scale Burning Instinct” when that is no longer the cause, and the node was never fixed.
  • The paragon has several nodes devoted +maximum/ single resist to elements, a stat that should be removed from the game, except from Tempers.
  • The initial developer, who I very much believe was Don Vu (of Diablo 3 infamy) thinks button mashing is fun, when all it is is repetitive strain injury and an overwhelming focus on CDR to the exclusion of all stats.

I mean, I could go on, but it gets kinda mean.


My point exactly… Haha

Naugh im not new to diablo… ive been around for awhile… hah

Thanks foe the list of update points that im conpletely aware of…

And well since i sont have much time to worry about spelling and that you get the gist of it… this isnt a spelling be and i dont care to have perfect posts…

I mean big fingers on small phone doesnt mix too well so its not efficient with my time to tey and correct everything…

But guess you disnt get the gist of my post… maybe you skipped half of it… idk…

Let me summerize…

Every other class forumns dont cry like a little baby… and are mature…
They get all there cool toys and fixes and upgrades… they disnt whine and cry to get what they want…

If your logic of shutting up conplainers was true then ONLY sorc would get fixed and they wouldnt even bother touching any other class…

Sorc forums is a bunch of babies whinin and complainin about stupid nonsense
(like you worrying about my spelling or if i even play diablo) haha…
And…well…nothings getting fixed for sorc…

Guess thats a good summary… if you still dont understand then you cant read english too well haha… ;p
i even put “(humor)” in the title to let everyone know…

Why even waist your time here complaining?.. Cause youre a sorc perhaps? Haha

Just chill and dont be bringing insults and negativity to my posts.
Go create a positive feedback post or a creative new idea rather than complain…

Go read my other post .
Im sure since you are a master diablo player…
I bet youve never found this mythic?
You may need it for them cows ;p haha

I’m still curious, what do you consider a positive review? Is it when someone spits in your soup in a restaurant before your eyes, and you write that the cuisine here is quite unique?
Don’t joke. I can tell you several ways to give the most constructive reviews, but I’m afraid that in many countries you can go to jail for that.

I didn’t understood the point of your post.
I’m not criticizing or complaining or anything. I’m just puzzled…
Care to explain to me what this post is supposed to achieve?

I agree a positive review can be a bit objective.

What i mean is…
Stop complaining , whining, crying, yelling, etc …
Give feedback suggestions on new systems, new skills, suggestions on how to improve things… maturely.

For example…
Ventaliter (person who posted first)… only has 5 actual topics out of his 545 posts. They are compilation of others not even his… The rest are him complaining, yelling, whining at devs…

There are 90% of sorc posts that complain, cry, and whine and have no positive direction in their posts. They think by being a baby and cry the sorc will be fixed. This is why i humored and said to make a baby sorc chatacter so all the crybabies can play it… just bringing it up that devs fixed every other class and theres no crying in their forumns and that its quite funny… And sad… so basically telling crybabies to go it timeout i guess haha. To just stop crying and post in ways that is more positive…

@ hallfrom-2984… You on the other hand have more constructive criticism in your posts and topics thus providing a positive feedback. Lots of sarcasim haha but thats fine. I dont see you whining and crying to fix things, you just bring up the issues in a more muture way.

@partelli… just bringin humor when theres so much negativity in the sorc posts… well hopefully for babies to stop cryin (which it wont)… and hope devs will can see good ideas that are there rather than 900 posts of crying… -_- …

The devs dont feel like looking through 900 posts of crying to find good ideas for sorc… I dont blame them… its inefficient with their time… so they go through other classes… find positive geedback quickly… and implement them quickly…

99% of my topic posts are about creative unique ways to improve the game by adding variety of systems and improve on existing systems. Positive posts for momentum and creativity for devs to improve things. Whether they make it in or not is up to them… however if theres 900 posts of crying they wont see the good suggestions… From the few who post ideas and suggestions…
Youre welcome to look through my topics ive created…

This should clear up the confusion… hopefully…

I mean… Did you see what the Barb forum was like in S5 when their key passives got a big nerf? I assure you, every community in this game is more than capable of pitching tantrums. If Sorcs are doing it more often than most (assuming that is indeed the case), it’s because the class is in worse shape than most, and has been since launch.

I’ll admit that to a certain extent this may have become a habit that’s not entirely justified in all cases (I can think of certain posters, for example, who think Sorcs are garbage that Blizzard hates and won’t be told otherwise), but I’d say that’s mostly a consequence of Blizzard’s neglect; up until S5, patch after patch would go by with our core concerns going mostly unaddressed. It didn’t feel like we were being heard. That’s why the community basically went up in flames after the S5 PTR, which had mostly nerfs for us after a season in which we were widely regarded as the worst class apart from one sketchy build based on exploiting infinite flame shield immunity and a Shatter bug. Blizzard then finally responded with a massive change set that made us one of the better classes in S5, but most of that progress was diluted into oblivion by VoH.

Personally I think we are far better off now that we were in S4 and before, even if we’re not as dynamic and powerful as we were in S5, but I think the community at large is still very sensitive to the perception that Blizzard doesn’t care about about Sorcs due to everything that went on before. And, in all fairness, we do still have a lot of problems, many of which go back to the original class design. It can feel like Blizzard is tinkering around the edges a lot, when what we need is a fundamental redesign, especially of enchantments (but not only those). And it’s not like we’ve been quiet about what we think the class needs, which leads to a sense that we’re not being listened to.

Personally I see things like their attempt to change the meta around Conjuration Mastery and Devouring Blaze as positive signs that they do, in fact, understand our issues and are trying to gradually evolve us past them. They are just taking their time to make sure they don’t completely break the class while they’re doing it. You can argue that they didn’t do a good enough job with CM and DB, but at least they did something that I think was actually really important. Hopefully they’ll tackle Tal’Rasha’s ring next (CMs TAKE NOTE).

It might not be satisfying to see such incremental progress, but I don’t think they have the time or ability to do things in a faster and more disruptive fashion.


I’d argue incremental progress is trivial when you are the worst class in the game every season, unless your abusing bugs.

I think the most frustrating part is the sheer lack of attention to detail. Blizzard decided that TON rune, that summons lesser Meteors (meteorites) should deal 216% and summon multiple meteors for overflow. For 5 skill points in the Sorc talent tree, you get ONE (1) meteor for 168%. So right away, you know it needs a 29% buff, and probably considerably more.

It’s been two years, and our skill damage is still a joke.

Anyway. Season 7 is dead. We’ll see what Season 8 holds.

That first bit isn’t strictly fair. The S5 LS build wasn’t bugged, AFAIK, it was just overtuned. And it was very, very strong, as were most of our off meta builds, just not as much so.

The rest of your post is spot on - it’s silly that we have to rely on these weird non-skills to make certain skills viable, but we’re also not alone in dealing with that. Barbs have dust devils, Rogues have grenades, etc.

And yeah, our skills have been undertuned for a long time, none more so than meteor. I tried a hybrid Meteor Firewall build back in S3 when Starfall Coronet came out and eventually realized that X’Fals explosions hit multiple times harder than the actual meteors did. Like a whole order of magnitude harder. meteor looked pretty, and it was actually useful for proccing X’Fals since it has a much higher lucky hit chance in its DOT component than FW does, but it was hardly anyone’s idea of a real Meteor build.

it was strong in Hordes, and that’s it. It’s single target has always been weak. I’m pretty sure Shatter outscaled it by 20x

It could kill Tormented Bosses no problem and if you could do T7/8 Hordes the Pit didn’t matter. I mean you could quibble that it wasn’t “the strongest” build that season (what even was? I don’t recall) but it was pretty dominant and it was fun and everybody liked it.

Yeah, the Sorcs are complaining more lately out of frustration. It really does not feel like the problems are being addressed.
The devs are increasing numbers, making some passives more generic and shuffling others things around, but the core problems are still there. Placing a band-aid and a pretty bow on top helps in us feeling better, but as soon as the novelty ends we are back to a fundamentally broken class.

Like it was already mentioned before in this thread, our class mechanics are flawed.
I will give an example on my personal experience this season (keep in mind that this season is the one that I played and enjoyed the most).
I play Incinerate, this skill does not benefit from Crits, Attack Speed and Overpower so my options for damage are very, VERY limited.
Now, lets look at the Enchantments, which ones can I use?

  • The Incinerate Enchantment is strong, but for some reason attacking the same target as the Serpent does NOT stack, which means is useless against bosses. And against mobs the Serpent will kill 1 or 2 mobs and then spend 6 seconds shooting fire at the air…
  • Other Core, Mastery (except Firewall) and Conjuration Enchantments: They do not offer any utility or damage.
  • Defensive Enchantments are ok, but I need damage not survivability.
  • Basic Skills Enchantments, in my opinion are the best ones, they offer good utility and are generic enough to be usable in many situations. I like the Arc Lash the most, but I already have a reliable source of stuns.
  • This leaves me with Firewall and Fire Bolt, they both have a 25x burning damage against enemies affected by them. Awesome right? Well not quite… Incinerate works with snapshot damage and will NOT apply those buffs unless I started doing the damage after the enemy is affected by the skills. And it is just not worth it to stop casting Incinerate to benefit from the buffs (On bosses is ok)
    So I literally have no Enchantments to use. My build will be the same regardless of what I place on those slots. I use Fire Bolt and Firewall just because they apply burning over time and that triggers CCs on enemies that I’m not attacking directly.
    Now tell me of another class that does not use their class specific mechanics? A Barb that only equips 1 weapon, a Necro without minions or the buff, and so on.
    I do understand that Incinerate is an edge case that somehow managed to go against every type of synergy possible (and I still love it and play it every season). But the problem is just more evident here… The Enchantments System is bad, at most it will provide some utility or an additional cast now and then.

Another problem that I face is the CC related damage. Mobs get Unstoppable and Bosses are just immune to CC. More than half my damage comes from CC damage and boss fights are hell.
But again, that is on me, I choose to play a skill that has to stand still for 3 seconds for optimal damage and being one-shooted by the Lilith’s Echo attacks is always fun…
(Do other classes have this much CC damage? I honestly don’t know)

But after all that said, I do believe that Sorcs are not that bad. I like having to fight to get to Pit 100, I do think the game was made so the player will have to struggle it’s way past Pit 120. Sorcs just need a little damage boost in this regard.
The builds that are breezing through Pit 150 that are actually broken and when the Nerf comes (because it will came) we will see a lot of Blood Wave Necros and Cataclysm Druid crying in the forums. This is just how things are.

Well, sorry for the giant blabbing. A lot of things to fix and a long time not succeeding in it has made us bitter :frowning:
And just adding 1 last thing, the new item for Sorcs this season is unusable. I liked the idea of a Bowling Lighting Ball build, but it just does not work. So, even the new toys we get leaves us hanging.

Was that the Bash season? I think so. Anyway, I digress, the point is, it’s had scaling issues from the get-go. Sure, it can mow down t4, but does that make it viable?

Depends on how you’d define viable. I’d define it as being roughly equal as other classes doing end-game content, which t4 was not, (and indeed, still is not) at the time.

Nah the Bash season was S4… It seems like we might possibly have gotten Barbs nerfed in S5 because we made such a big deal about how they were constantly broken every season with stupid infinitely scaling multipliers everywhere while the only ones we had (Burning Instinct and Elemental Summoner) suddenly sprouted caps in the S5 PTR, despite how poorly our class performed in S4 overall. When we then got the full S5 patch notes Blizzard had neutered all the Barb key passives (and boy weren’t the Barbs pissed off about that, too), raised some of the caps they gave us, and proceeded to buff the baseline damage of pretty much every skill we had, among a bunch of other buffs.

I don’t remember what Barbs ended up doing for a meta in S5, but pretty sure they weren’t the top dogs at any rate.

That was probably the Rogue season. Victimize? But Shatter was pretty high up there, though I believe it was bugged, which it remains to this day.

And @ Parteli

Well put.
Thanks for the good responses

Yeah I agree with the changes being a good starting point. I like it better as well.
Ive played sorc since S0 and just wish we got our 3rd enchantments back.

About the systems, yes ive made plenty of new creative system changes that are simple design allowing us to be very creative in build crafting. They are solutions to many of the issues.
One of my main systems allows us to weave a bunch of aspects together to allow better build synergies. (4 gear slots arent enough to synergize skills together… nethertheless 1 skill) -_-

So hopefully one of them will make it in one day. :slight_smile:

Its hard to really sit and compare seasons though…
Ever since they made changes to where everything scales off the pit they have to retune everything.
Nothings really the same dmg wise.
They are trying to standardize tuning a bit because its too chaotic with all the changes and dont have a baseline where things should be.
Plus its fine to experiment some. Everyoneseems to jist want 1 gazillion dmg for each skill… boring haha

Regardless i still play and having fun and happy. Their is a method to their madness so just sit back and enjoy the ride i guess…

I still just try to give creative ideas to devs on how to help improve or add systems and solve issues… rather than just cry…
Crying doesnt solve anything… haha

Thanks again for your insights and mature feedback.

Haha, see what you did there. Happy to put you on ignore. Judging from your post quality, it would probably be prudent. Save my own bandwidth.

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Haha… Glad you saw that i did not recognize your negativity. ;p

Im sure you didnt take the time to look at my posts…
My post quality being almost all great recomendations and creative suggestions to help make the game better…
You only have 5 topic posts that are cumulative of other peoples ideas. If you were creative enough to come up with those ideas then you would be like me and have a lot of creative suggestions…
You @venaliter-1813 on the otherhand have 547 posts of most likely all negativity and whining hate speech… from what can easily see from last 100 posts… So chill bro… and take your negativity elsewhere… Not sure why youre even here posting if my topic posts are so horrible.haha

Who knows maybe there will be a “baby sorc” next season for you to play haha.

Do you even understand what you are writing?
First of all, to avoid complaints and as you indicated “whining”, the game needs to have a clear balance. Does it exist? Keep in mind that if you answer that it does, you will have to prove it. And I know what to do to “make you eat your hat”.
After that, we can talk about some proposals.

This has nothing to do with what you (personally) mean. This is the basis, and the unshakable truth. Whatever you say, but first there must be a balance based on roles. In RPGs in fantasy worlds, these are class roles. I hope I don’t need to list them?

It is not proper for a gentleman to speak behind someone’s back. If you have something to say, say it to their face.

Complaints because this class is completely unbalanced. It does not correspond to its role. And here the claims are both justified and completely legal.
Do you want to object to anything?

How to say. Many here will disagree with you.

P.S. Your humor is not funny, but rather offensive. I advise you to think about it.
If you want to make a funny joke, make a joke about yourself. (I don’t remember whose words).

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Your missing context … every one of those quotes of me you just linked were talking to the person that was listed in those responses… you on obviously cant see his offensive negative remarkes… (hes blocked so it prolly removed his remarks)

So i was NOT talking behong his back… i was talking directly to him… I can only hit reply to one person … the others i have to use the “@” symbol to talk… (the post forumns dont let you…

Is that your budy or something and teying to defend him?

Your posts seem to be a bunch of whinnin and cryin too in the forumns so i guess thats why your feelings are hurt a bit… well stop crying… you can xomplain in a mature eay and not cry, yell, and stomp your feet… haha chill…

Its not offensive… its the truth… and its ironic and hilarious… you dont have a sense of humor then…

maybe their will be a baby sorc for you next season as well…

Chill out and go play another game then…