Pitt 61+ just means uber lilith every boss

Why did you devs feel the need to make every single one of the boss fights ALWAYS include Lilith random phase room wide 1 shot mechanics while also juggling the other 2-3 summoned mechanics all firing off at once… If i want to fight Uber Lilith I WOULD BE GRINDING REPAIR BILLS ON THAT FIGHT NOT PIT BOSSES.


The honest answer - they wanted a way to step-up the difficulty without designing new bosses.

Tracking on screen is the basic “skill check” that they’re using in D4 for better and worse.

It’s not just that Shadow Uber Lillith comes in and 1 shots you and there’s literally nothing that you can do about it.

But the difference between level 61 and level 64 pit boss is so extreme that you can go from winning in less than 5 seconds, to fighting for close to a minute doing everything you can to avoid those stupid 1-shot mechanics that Blizzard and other companies seem to think people enjoy so much, that when you do get hit by it, you just leave game.

Case in point; this just happened to me 3-4 times in a row on the same boss on a 64 after breezing through the 61 boss and all the mobs in the 64 pit.

Her ‘pull you in’ is bad enough, but then she slows you so much that it’s literally not even possible to get even half way out of the circle before she 1 shots you, unless you have an immunity, which a lot of people don’t, at least not that’s available whenever they want it to be.

That is just a stupid mechanic, and Blizzard need to learn from their mistakes. Crowd Controlling players (loss of control of your character) is literally the worst most toxic mechanic in any game, then throw on top of that the 2nd most toxic mechanic in any game, the ability to get killed from 1 hit whilst at full health, and congratulations Blizzard, you’ve just made the most toxic gameplay ever.

They aren’t room wide. The majority of them can be avoided by running to the edge of the screen or by running a loop around the edge of the screen.

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no no. you got that wrong. you cant do anythiiiiiiing!!! :smiley:

Happy to see the patch notes dont nerf the pit btw. i was a little nervous :smiley:

Oh no, someone died.

To the forums!

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because they’re clueless and don’t know how to design a good game.

Not even elden ring 1-shots you like this, its just dumb, and I’m not even talking about just boss encounters but there are some elite groups that can straight up 1shot you as well.

Bad game.

They more than likely are just gathering a lot of data and waiting it out patiently. They almost always take their sweet time to adjust things after they gather data.