Pit Bosses Bugged - 2nd Attempt normal

So I’ve noticed and tested that the pit bosses are insanely hard on the first attempt, but once you die once and go back, the second attempt seems way more normal and I’m able to kill the boss. I tested it multiple times across several characters and several bosses at Pit level 91-101. Has anyone else experienced this?

Already reported.

It also happens in NMDs.

Blizz basically said the bug is confirmed but they won’t fix it lol.

If they’re not going to let us properly to test the builds they’re already making us grind for in a test environment then I would say they obviously don’t respect our time and I encourage all but those with really nothing better to do to just uninstall the PTR.


They not only have more HP, they are acting like the council. They get stronger with lower HP and they start spawning Lilith effects that one shot you. I play HC and I clear 120’s on my necro and I just got one shotted by a 61 pit boss because of some weird random Lilith thing.

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