Pit are fun, boss are not

Honnestly one thing i liked about season 3 is that in vault, you dont need to kill boss. I like the pit idea, but playing it is not that fun at the end, the boss are very poorly balanced at the same difficulty sometime its very easy other time we got one shoted… your telegraph are very bad attack come from no were and are hard to see sometime… I normaly like to fight boss in most game, but in diablo 4 they are not fun, i hate how they are design.


I like the pit bosses tbh. Its the only challenge outside of uber lilith. It combines gear and skill checks.

Although I do think lv 61 should he easier to be more accessible for everyone. After 61 pushing is just to test your build. Im still upgrading gear in the 70s.

I have no issues with trash at 90 but the boss is another story. I dont have the upgrades for it and thats okay.


yea i think itd be healthy to drop the level for when you get the last upgrade material to like 51. Would help those off meta builds a lot.


I will only add that ground clutter and spell effects play a huge roll in the boss fights. It’s difficult to see everything going on depending on the class and the skills you’re using. Even worse if you’re in a group with all sorts of classes.

A little extra clarity wouldn’t hurt. The difficulty I feel is fine though.


Yea and the thing is i dont want to copy build on the internet, i like making weird build, but sadly they are limited because they are not broken even if they could do a lot of content. It look like game is balanced arround broken build on the internet sadly

I’m generally of the same opinion. My main complaint, as someone who is color blind, red and red and red and red and clutter and ground effects, make seeing telegraphs utterly impossible. With my 80K life, geared to the teeth bleed barb, which I love playing, the one shot 100 → 0 hits and utter favoring single target really take the fun out of the boss fight. For reference, I’m pushing 80s in the pit.

I’d like to see them somehow tune bosses so they are more dynamic against differently geared characters.


Sometimes there are extra bits of red as well, for cosmetic reasons! :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah as FO I have died due to not seeing anything lol.

You dont need to. I did my own thing but as long as the internet estists people will always go for a cookie cutter build done by someone else because thats fun for them.

Id love to have 80k hp lol. Im sitting at 17k


Well i came here to vent about 61. f j-091348u-t834poaiuharjpfgoiasporiawehpfgourwehfg9u835q4h9-h345tupqhftg-9834rhtg-981f3h93q275uhhqpweruhrtu9 vn-q98 3vu1234t 89-0 qumwvnpwofeqaihjf

I feel better. Back to smashing nails thru my groin areas… Blizzards obsession with torture would make Lucifer very proud. And to all you young Keyboard warriors who feel the need to reply. Please practice pulling the bones from your fingers first. Use toothpicks and make blizzard smile…

repeat with me… Game bosses that 1 shot you is not challenging or “fun” is the laziest way to make a boss by mediocre company and mediocre Diablo 4 devs with no creativity


Then play a lower tier? Maybe you dont have the gear/build/skill? I can go upto 200 but guess what? I will be one-shot.

This is huge. But at 90+ pit, the mechanics scale WAY too high, and are occasionally completely unavoidable.

I feel the pit bosses are too difficult in comparison to the trash. I unlocked Tier 76, but wasn’t able to continue because the bosses started hitting too hard and taking too long to kill that I couldn’t survive long enough to beat them.

Overall, one game design issue in Diablo 4, for me, has always been the super fast spiking of life. You’re full life, then suddenly you’re almost dead (or dead). I would prefer that it takes longer for them to whittle you down so your life doesn’t spike up and down so fast that you’re reflexively spamming potions because you know you’re always like a second and a half from death and never sure when it’s coming.

I would prefer a heal over time only potion instead of having instant healing, smaller damage values you deal that are more realistic (and don’t spam the screen with numbers too numerically vast to read - like 3, 4, or 5 digits maximum instead of millions and billions when you can only have 5 (maybe 6) digits of life) to the amount of life you have so you don’t have to reduce damage in PvP by 92%… and that enemies don’t take off so much life per hit, but more gradually.

I would like less multiplicatives and more additives for damage so that it doesn’t get out of hand where you’re one or two shotting bosses. It shouldn’t require you to overlap all your buffs/debuffs at the same time and instead just allow you to use situationally, like when you fight difficult elites or bosses.

I would like the skills you use and those that enemies use to be more impactful instead of so frequent and spammy-feeling. I still like the ARPG genre, but when it becomes a blur of particles and still expects you to be able to see one shot mechanics, that’s unacceptable.


Just make the bosses the damage tester, not the reaction trainer.

Why do I want to test my reaction time in a game that always lagging between 90~140 ms?

And please make everything stop attacking when I finally able to knock down the boss. It should be the orgaasm time for the players, not the “OMFG I have to waste it again because that trash Lilith” time.


They could cut boss health in half.

I would enjoy them so much more if they were actual new bosses or something. But it’s the same tired old nightmare dungeon bosses who just summon cheap one shot mechanics now.

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pit boss are fun till pit110 then the fight is just long af.

I think bigger boss arenas would help. Easier to dodge the ground effect and zerg helpers. Otherwise I really enjoy the boss fights.

100% agree. I like the pit too but not the boss.

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Pit is fine and I normally breeze right through it to the boss. Then, depending on the boss, I can either kill fairly easily or am 1-shotted. The balance is so far off it’s almost as if they were never tested.


Yea i agree, i just did a run i got the sharpshooter, i got it to 1/4 life 3 times and then even if it stunned i got one shoted, then i got the big snake and i killed it no problem. That suck if i could know the boss before i will just skip some, but i think they should try to fix boss instead