Pit 99+. What is the point to do it?

Question: what is actually point to do pit 99+?
I need all items 12/12 and probably some ubers to be able finish pit 99 or 101 in time. Before that i have to do pit 89. So what is the point to do pit 99+ Only for drops?
I play sorc incinerate.

No point really doing anything higher if it slows you down at all. A 90 sec 101 for example is FAR more efficient than a 3 minute 120.
Drops if you are talking legendary items are no different in a level 1 pit than a 200. Only purpose of the pit is stingy stones and Neathiron. Neither of which is nearly rewarded enough for difficulty.

Depends of the build. I use poison andariel whithout all items 12/12 and i did 132. What’s your build?

How long did it take? How much greater was the risk of dying? Were the rewards better than 101 so it made it worth it?

As incinerate sorc i need about 5 minutes to do pit 89 so 1-2 minute run is abstract to me. Items half 8/8, half 12/12, all 2x or 3x GA.

For the challenge. That’s all the Pit is for, to see how high you can go with your build and optimized gear. If this doesn’t interest you at all, there’s no point in even going through the Pit.

the most accurate words I’ve ever seen

It is completely fine to have content that exists solely for the challenge.
That said, to underscore that it exists for the challenge, tbh Blizzard should also stop offering more rewards from doing Pits at a certain lvl (could be 100, 120, 150 or whatever is reasonable). Making the lvls above that genuinely exist just for the challenge.

Interesting that Pits have “no end” on difficulty compared to Gauntlet, while the design philosophy was to “have an end” to avoid power creep or better to say: to avoid limiting content to 1-2 builds.

Gauntlet was T70. With Pit being high in levels to almost no end you will slowly see what builds are “awesome” and what builds are “bad”, making almost all builds that are actually really good look bad.

I think almost any build can clear a Pit 100. But if each class has a build that does 120+ all the other builds won’t be used because “bad” even though they are good.

Thats the downside of having no end in content which is the reason I dislike Pits. I think they are better off limiting it to Level 100 and call it a day. Once you clear 100 with a build your good and can go make a new build/ class.

You should stick to what you can do the fastest you’ll maximize your mats per hour that way. Going higher is purely only for the challenge. You do get more mats but after 101 they drop off, not sure if that’s a bug or by design.

The point is that you can get mastercrafting materials a bit faster.
Other then that, I only masterwork things to a point where I can beat all the content which would: Lilith, Tormented Bosses & Pit 101. After that is achived then the season is over.

So that means I end up with masterworked gear around 10 out of 12 ranks for 4-6 pieces of ger and the rest of the gear has around 6 ranks or so. Not more then that is needed for this easy game :slight_smile:

-Higher tiers give more neathiron but around 100 or 101, you stop getting another neathiron per level so not much point in going higher just for farming.

-Tier 100 offers achievement/titles, if you’re interested. I did a 100 on my sorc just to get the achievement since I was farming tier 90 anyway.

The most efficient way to farm is the one you can kill the boss after his second stagger phase and must not exceed PIT101. Anything else is inefficient.