I don’t remember which streamer said S8 Pit 100 is equally to the current S7 Pit 130.
I’m just a little concern if the coming season journey requires to do T4 or Pit 100.
I hope T3 would be enough, hopefully.
I don’t remember which streamer said S8 Pit 100 is equally to the current S7 Pit 130.
I’m just a little concern if the coming season journey requires to do T4 or Pit 100.
I hope T3 would be enough, hopefully.
Sorry I would’ve explained a bit more but I tend to ramble. I actually alter the builds I find, as I think some of their choices don’t make any sense for what I’m trying to do. I also agree with you that using a guide skips the entire trial and error process. I go through the trial and error process with the build they’ve presented and I tweak it to my specifications.
Now I don’t come up with the build myself, I just tweak what’s already there based on other peoples findings. You can think of it like doing a research paper and coming to my own conclusions if you will.
Yes, completely agree, I’m going off the assumption of those with a homebrew that can’t get up to T4 even through many trial and errors because they want to stick to that one skill for example. Let’s just use Fireball as an example, purely for hypothetical purposes, I have no idea if Fireball is a viable build to reach T4 or not.
The person making their homebrew has decided they mostly want to play with Fireball, however no matter how they build, their damage just falls short, and they can’t reach T4. So instead of switching to another skill and starting the process all over again, they’ll either be stuck in T3, or give up on the game.
Even after all of this trial and error, they look up a guide, and find out the people who made the guide are having the exact same problem. Both people came to the same conclusion, it just took one of them longer to do so.
I just mean fundamentally the game is ‘easy’. You press a button, it deals damage to the enemy, they die. There’s very little friction in the way between you and killing the enemy. I don’t consider an enemy having more HP or dealing more damage to be difficult per se, they’re just damage sponges. Does it take me longer to kill them? Absolutely, but by no means is it difficult.
Difficulty to me is more or less having to think on the fly at any given moment in a fight. I don’t have to think half the time about what button to press in this game, as all of the aspects, multipliers, glyphs, etc. do all the heavy lifting for me. Now that difficulty becomes easier as I become more familiar with the game mind you, but at its core, I do not find Diablo 4 to be difficult in that sense, aside from maybe a few bosses where I have to be careful where I stand and learn their patterns.
It’s not ‘easy’ because I can kill enemies in quick succession, at least not for me. It’s easy because those monsters don’t offer much resistance, even when I’m underpowered. Which admittedly comes from experience with these types of video games. Where I might find it ‘easy’ others might find it ‘difficult’ this same discussion is going on in MH: Wilds right now.
right now i dont think any class will be even able to do pit 135 in s8, even if the difficulty stays as it is now
I get your point but “final state” (i.e. Pit 150) of the game is simply NOT a priority
It will be another useless misdirection of focus and effort AND trivialize the entirety of the rest of the game
Let’s be collegial to one another and combine efforts to give useful feedback for things that matter for the majority
Fix the actual part of the game that people play, (and leave the one that very few get to play for another day). Let’s not care how steep Mt. Everest is yet, let’s add some substance to the roads that people tend to use instead
Thing is you shouldn’t even be doing that. As I said, the builder goes through a trial and error process. For example if I picked Mist, with corpse gen, there’s a reason for that. It’s because I tested the other passive along with a handful of other alternatives and I found that it was needed and it was the best pick out of everything I tried out.
When you change that, you don’t have that same experience to draw from as the build creator. You’re just doing it because you liked or preferred one thing to another, and of course when the build doesn’t work right, it’s because of what you changed.
I understand the other viewpoint where for example, you just wanna play Sever and you’re looking at other people’s builds where Sever works, so you copy that to get it to where Sever works but then change it to suit your idea of how you want it to work. Biggest issue is that if the build you’re modifying was already doing t100 then you run the risk of falling short. Or you end up changing it back to the guide creators because you realize why that partiuclar option was picked & for what purpose.
The person making their homebrew has decided they mostly want to play with Fireball, however no matter how they build, their damage just falls short, and they can’t reach T4.
Well there’s a lot of factors as to why one cannot reach t4. I’ve come to the conclusion that once you get to a certain point, the multipliers available to you are insufficient compared to the ones you get from mythics, and so the ONLY thing that allows you to progress more is to get those mythics.
Difficulty to me is more or less having to think on the fly at any given moment in a fight. I don’t have to think half the time about what button to press in this game, as all of the aspects, multipliers, glyphs, etc. do all the heavy lifting for me.
What I’m saying is that in following a guide, you removed a part of the game where you DID need to think about what button to press, which would’ve caused you to ‘go back to the drawing board’ so to speak and then implemented something to where it resolved that problem. So the fact that you don’t need to think about what to do comes from it already being done for you by following the guide.
Well that’s my choice on how I want to play. I don’t see it as a matter of should or shouldn’t, it’s just what I’ve chosen to do.
Yes 100% agree, I know if I deviate from the ‘path’ so to speak, it won’t be the same path. I fully admit this. I’m putting my own smaller spins on it.
Snipped for space. Agreed again. I’m doing it purposely for my own enjoyment. As I’ve said in other threads I’m not actually aiming to push my build to its most efficient version, just the version I find most fun for the objectives I want to complete. Which for me is just the Seasonal Objectives.
That’s how I play. I also fully understand people with home brews just want to play their way too. Sadly the balance isn’t there yet for every build.
This makes perfect sense, as a follower of guides, there are builds people make that just don’t work, or don’t work as efficiently without Mythics sadly.
Oh, yes again 100% agree. I’ve taken the difficulty of choosing a skill out. Which is a completely different difficulty to the one I’m referring to with enemy resistance.
I believe this is the difference in our arguments about the ‘easy’ difficulty. You’re going from start to finish, I’m more or less taking it from the midway point and starting there.
I admit there is difficulty in just choosing what you want to use with going through trial and error, and I am robbing myself of that difficulty when I choose to follow a guide, that is on me. So you are correct.
How you’re playing is def a valid way to play. Dare I say, with enough time you develop an understanding similar to those who make the builds themselves. It’s just the way you get there is different, that’s all.
I use guides more for inspiration.
Knowing how others do things is valuable knowledge.
And I only follow guides to the letter in very specific cases (for things I find impossible, like puzzles).
Also, I’ve encountered that guides don’t always show the best.
Once, in Diablo 3, I stumbled upon a mistake in a guide for a meta build. It turned out that the non-meta build I was an expert on had received a huge buff. It took the meta players about a month to realize it. XD
Well, that may be true.
It’s better to focus on the first problems the player encounters… like Tempering