Physical damage effect on cold imbued skills

If you increase your physical damage, will that increase the damage of cold imbued skills? how about bonuses that add to cold damage, will they benefit from increased physical?

Most damage sources in this game are single element, so if you use a cold imbued attack, your attack will be entirely converted to cold damage. Physical damage then won’t increase that damage. Coming from the Diablo 2 world, this felt confusing at first but that’s how it works.

so cold imbuement convert physical to cold before any bonuses applied to physical…

Exactly. If you use an imbued skill and if you have more than 15% physical damage it will be lost and if you have more 20% ice damage you will have it. If you use the aspect of x30% elemental damage it will add up to all your applied damage, if you critically strike a vulnerable enemy. (total damage, ice damage, core damage, imbued damage, vulnerable critical) and multiply by x 1.3 if it is in the 7 second rotation, of course.

If you are talking about something like ‘dmg to chilled’ enemies after they are chilled, e.g. Control glpyh, then yes it will.