Petition to update Ahavarion, Spear of Lycander ๐Ÿ”ช

You are welcome to your opinion but i still think ubers should be like a cheat code because they were never supposed to be considered pragmatic drops.


Check out the other uber weapons. Ahavarion is lacking compared to grandfather and doombringer and the classes that use them dont need to sacrifice as many aspect slots

i never said i was against any kind of buff, just that the one proposed by phatty was akin to a cheat code and doesnโ€™t belong in my opinion in an aarpg.

Urzaโ€™s proposition though is sound

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The game is already 1 shot or equivalent for almost everything at the same level +10 with min maxed gear with any of the S tier builds.

Up to about nm-70 there is essentially very little Ubers bring to the table.

At around 80+, I think they make a difference but again, if you got some ubers on board doing 80โ€™s, itโ€™s for no brain mode.