Pet design is ridiculous

Funny thing is last night when I was on my pet was flagged as a minion even my blood surge would cast from my dog as well as my other minions I haven’t tested if it works with druid yet though I’ll do that after I get off work

If Sanctuary was real, then having a dog to keep you safe makes total sense.

Looks nice, another cosmetic to collect, and it picks up loot.

Thumps up :+1:

This sure feels lame. I am 100% onboard with a NPC to pick up resources. But cuddley-wuddley widdle puppies and kittens? UGH

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No, with a name like that I imagine you wouldn’t.

Thats what i said in my topic, about wings.

Those kind of stuffs ruin the atmosphere of Diablo.

I know some people dont care to see “happy poneys” in a dark fantasy game, but its silly to me…


I just did a couple of Pit runs. I cant even see the cute cat while im fighting. Theres so much other stuff going on at the screen.


I didn’t see a tiger mount. The one I have is a jaguar.

Im riding on a brimstone elephant. I havent seen any tiger mount in the game aswell.

in a year or two ppl will be crying cuz they didn’t get a limited edition kitten - these things get patina

Did anybody complain about the cute baby wolf beta backpack totally destroying their atmosphere and immersion?

I guess the people just found a thing thats easy for them to complain about. Standing in town having nothing to do. If they were doing helltides and pits or dungeons… you can barely see the cute helping animal in that action.

yeah they do because you can find doggy and kitty everywhere in sanctuary
I DO want a demon pet or something ugly scary but saying these pets don’t fit the game is a complete lie when they’ve been around since day 1 around the map lmao


Im pretty sure we will also see lots of gruesome/rotten/deformed/demon pets in the future.

Preorder cosmetics are generally trash tier. Look at the preorder cosmetics from the base game no one uses them there will be prestige pets that will look way cooler I am almost certain around Halloween you will see some really cool worth buying wings and pets hit the shop. The only real perk to preordering any game is early access, and so far I’ve seen nothing on early access so there’s no point in pre ordering.


I have to agree. when the DLC hits I’m sure we will have some amazing bundles in the shop, I expect a mephisto set just how we had a lilith and inarius set before

The evil versions will be $19.99, calling it.


Ageed. The QoL the pet offers is undeniable. I do think the effect could’ve been achieved without it clashing with Diablo’s aesthetics. I suspect some at Blizzard saw this as a potential money maker by allowing them to sell more suitable pet cosmetics.

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At least they are not all dogs with the exact same model with different colors like the mounts…Did you really expect more?

I want a pathetic skeletal fallen or maybe just the upper part of a torso, with entrails hanging out as my pet on my necro… something that fits with the theme… not a flipping dog.


But D3 was a cartoon from the beginning.

Blizzard, if you’re gonna add cute pets in game, I expect anime waifu and giant chests to come shortly.

Either stick w/ the design, or go all out on offending everyone to be inclusive please. I’m not being sarcastic. My Sorceress’ boobs and thighs are too small…at least when I compare them to my wife’s and any NIKKE design =P