Perfect roll doombringer

i got a perfect roll doombringer is there any builds for the barb that use this weapon ?

yeah pretty much any of them that isn’t taken up by a skill slot. Or use as a fancy stat stick. :wink:

i am whirlwind atm but i feel like it not super strong prob need to build into alot more lucky hit aswell to make it more useful

you dont want to WW with 1hers anyways. Maybe double swing or frenzy or thornes

really i was following the maxroll build they say to use dual wield

try using a 2Her with 2h sword expertise and see how your damage changes

Whirlwind has an 80% Penalty to Lucky Hit values. That 25% Max chance is really a 5% chance which is inconsequentially low. The 5% proc is a 1% proc chance.

Lucky Hit is extremely messed up and even with crazy investment in it as a WA build, 5% procs are abysmally low. Even if you had a true 5% chance, the effects are kind of meh.

In a nutshell, anything with high Lucky Hit will work better with it. Doombringer needs to not be Lucky Hit based but True chance. If Lucky Hit multipliers be high enough to actually increase the proc chance beyond the stated Lucky Hit chance values, it would be attractive.

Even if you had 100% chance, it would only proc 25% of the time. To make matters worse, Lucky Hit ONLY WORKS WITH DIRECT DAMAGE SKILLS THAT HAVE A LISTED LUCKY HIT VALUE. This excludes a ton of extraneous conditional damage sources from being able to actually proc Doombringer. Further, it is unclear if it will even work with NON-ARSENAL Skills even though they have Lucky Hit values. There is a ton of stuff that does NOT proc from these skills (like Steel Grasp, Kick, or Ground Stomp).

The only build I can think that can afford that and could make use of it would be a WA Deathblow/Overkill build.

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i see you really know your stuff thanks for the comment

No good for Frenzy because it has a core damage affix and the proc does Shadow damage.

Might be ok with Double Swing when paired with Azurewrath, but rares likely outperform both due to the wasted affixes and lack synergy.

I’d go with high atk speed dswing build.

With some lucky hit (mostly from gloves), maybe rings, and the high atk speed, you should proc it often enough that it feels impactful.