People dont want competition but fun

Cycle 2 can’t get here fast enough though for LE and the greater build-out of Monoliths. Building a character is absolutely amazing but the Monolith grind is just one big blur because of how ./meh it is until you REALLY push at the upper end of them. The crafting system adds a very long tail to the game so definitely still enjoying but at their core I kind of feel the same whether I am grinding monoliths or NMDs… just eventually monoliths at least catch-up to you.

before i started playing D3/D4 i played wow for 17year and i quit the game because it went full out on competition mode dungeons are near impossible to do without the use of adons, just lets hope blizz don’t repeat the same mistake here.

What’s wrong with Grim Dawn’s graphics? I think they’re much prettier than Diablo 4. If you care so much about the graphics, it’s because you don’t come up with the right ideas. Don’t belittle other people’s intelligence with indirect questions, okay?

It was a genuine question. I am looking for another ARPG to play until D4 season #4. I decided to go back into Titan Quest, after I installed a graphics mod for it to make it nicer looking then it already was.

But anyway, if you want to be an idiot, be an idiot, each to their own.

You sound like a typical diablo fan boi. You think playing a game that takes no skill and just a lot of grinding makes you good. If you were really good, you’d know diablo takes no skill. What’s it like being awful?

I started playing GD again and it’s a lot better than d4. They just had a big patch a a new expansion is coming out. Of course, you can just farm duriel instead.

well, in this case it should be fairly easy for you to score will in the gauntlets =)

Pvp will never be competitive as this isn’t a,pvp game. Im sure though some can have fun with it, but most wont as again it is intentionally unfair and not balanced.

Gaunlet isnt a bad idea. Probably a cool thing for people, who grind hours away for perfect drops and ubers as that hard work can be utilized to chase scores.

Think the issue comes back to it is not a fun add for many players, especially when it was the “thing” to look forward to in a 3 month production cycle.

I want fun and competition!!! Maybe some PvP :grin::heart_eyes_cat::grin:

I would also like some pizza mmmmm pizza :pizza:

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Blizz releases the gauntlet…‘ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED!’

We just want to complete uber set for each class and clear everything then move on to their upcoming mmorpg. But as a casual gamer I can only get 1 uber per season. So maybe 4 seasons same class which makes it tiring and funny

Pretty sure that Survival MMO has been cancelled if that’s what you are referring too.

Pvp was over after the uber release… S1 pvp and some of S2 pvp was the sweet spot their was diversity in the fields… now its only 4 slot uber barbs and the fields are a ghost town

with your title it seem like you don’t either.

“Fun” isn’t something fixed, it depends on the individual
For some fun is PVE , for others it’s PVP.
And YES , even if that’s not the case for you , for many : Competition = Fun.

I personally don’t care much about gauntlet, but i’am not childish enough to say “god i will never use it so it shouldn’t be there, i’am the almighty everyone should do what i enjoy , if i don’t enjoy something no one should have it”.

Gauntlet and leaderboard were a feature that was asked for a long long time, now they delivered.
You don’t like it ? don’t use it, simple as that.

Much like some don’t enjoy farming uber , or doing AoZ in S2 or doing seasonal content altogether,it doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be here.

a game need to have content for both casual like us and more hardcore player
this time around it’s simply linked more to hardcore but so what ? 95% of the game is for casual like us and we know it’ll be bigger and bigger through season and updates.


Having no idea and no content in short term this is one of the tricks they have in the hood. See the contruction stuffs and trap stuffs of my a***… The soul of D is gone…

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Different people have a different definition of fun

Some like Diablo, some like Gazlowe, some like to charge under an angle and do the exact perfect amount of damage and move in a deliberate way that will inflict the most pain to the target, some just want to “place” the playfield and let it play itself (at least for a bit)

That’s why we have more than one classes, those that want to play with a deliberate playstyle will choose a TB Rogue (probably), and those that want to just “adjust” things and let the game “play itself” to an extent will probably play a Necro of some kind

Regardless, the problem (IMO) isn’t in the fact that there’s a gauntlet for “bragging rights”, the problem is what one should/must do to be even a part of it

Make a different gauntlet every 10 levels, make people able to play a gauntlet before 100. Make it have a small chance to drop some rarer crafting matt, in fact make the whole game have a “poorman version” of obtaining something

Don’t force people to do X, Y, or Z, don’t force people go to NMDs to get Distilled fear, don’t force people to go Helltides to get Living Steel, make some drop from a chest somewhere (maybe in a dungeon, maybe)… Same with all the other “prerequisites”

That “ultra-elitistic” approach (content only for lvl100, content only after done X) is what IMO killed the game, it needs a better and harder overworld and not force players to go into a 3rd corner on the 3rd floor of the 3rd building to even have a chance to find something that they need… Put it in a chest or 2, put it in an event or 2

TLDR ? - “meme” builds aren’t the only source of fun, some find fun in deliberate gameplay, the important thing is to not “box in” everything

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Content like this should always exist in these games, it’s not for me but it gives the kick to a certain group of players.

I just want milk that tastes like real milk

Not to be sh!t on time and time again k thnx blizz <3

Definitely. I like seeing the scoreboard and even though players are currently leaving D4, Gauntlet made the game feel more alive and social than ever before. Only if the content was better…

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Agree that “Different people have a different definition of fun” and also want to mention that Blizzard Investors and others (… … … … ) have also their own definition of “FUN” and it’s certainly even more different from us, players. :speak_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :see_no_evil:

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