People dont want competition but fun

don’t generalize though buddy.
i consider myself a casual, and you should take a look at my posts : i always say a game need content for both casual and hardcore : not merely one or the other but both.
and that it’s ok to not be in the leaderboard , to not do AoZ 15+ or to not have every uber unique if you don’t have the time to or simply don’t want to.
it doesn’t mean these content are bad, on the contrary a game need diversity to please a large range of people.

and i certainly wouldn’'t feel entitled to get every uber , get top spot in LB etc… because i know i don’t have the time to.
and even if i can’t do Aoz 15+ since i didn’t had the items for it nor was using a meta build i was still hapily doing Aoz 1-10 as a casual :stuck_out_tongue:
and i would still be happy to find 1 or 2 uber during season

Yet i , in every topic, advocate for uber to stay rare, for D4 to have content for more hardcore player etc… even if i’am not the main target (due to having a job, taking my time with friends, family etc…)

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Leaderboards, gauntlet, aoz, fields of hatred, Duriel, Helltides, NM vault etc etc.

Is all good.

I think lack of visions from the devs is the core issue combined with data driven decisions and public outcry pressure which results in one band-aid solution after another.

This is how I see it:

  • In Diablo I think most players want to level up their characters strength in different ways and they wanna do it in a somewhat fun and variable way. They wanna be able to party up with other without feeling obligated to do it.

  • Players want the gameplay to be skill based where their own moves matters without it being too hard once you master a certain level.

  • Players want the search for items and progress for their powers in areas that are diverse and fun and rewarding. Some stuff easier to obtain than others, the first ~80% being easy, then gradually harder until the last 4-5% are almost impossible to achieve but also do not make a huge difference other than personal pride.

  • Lastly Players want some sort of activities to do with their characters when not building them. Repeatable PvE challanges, PvP and whatnot.

I think D4 devs have tried to achieve this but I think the first points have unfortunately failed massively so focusing on adding content to the last part of “endgame challanges” won’t work.

I mean in CS we can do nothing but pvp yet people love it. How come D4 foh isnt filled with millions of players? Because most dont think its fun, simple.

D2 had a massive amount of pvp players who created games of blood moor pvp for years. Because it was fun. And because the road to obtaining a somewhat competitive character wasnt very long. Being skillful a mf sorc with tal rasha set could actually kill a pvp geared bowazon during 1.09 and people did it too. Often as a trick I joined pvp games with my garbage mf sorc just to outplay them and get the edge of them thinking I was a noob.

It’s whatever but a larger player base had fun and I dont think D2 fun can only be explained through lack of competition from other games. And I certainly dont think D4 lack of players can be explained by saying that it is a good game but hard competition nowadays.

I have seen your posts. I generalize because I’m annoyed by people who demand changes to video games based on how they decided to live their life.

For some reason car metaphors are good when talking about video games, so here goes:
If I went to a race track to drive with professionals, I wouldn’t demand rules to be changed but I think it would be reasonable to ask for an easy-to-drive car and a small head start. In Diablo 4 that would equal to to QoL, XP boost and starter items etc.

i see, i don’t generalize but i do see why you say that.
i mean, in multiple of my post i do take a firm stance against any exp boost, drop boost etc… to answer to some people asking for it.

Aarpg is all about taking your time (fast or not do it as you want and as your own pace) and enjoying what you get / find.
nothing is mandatory and no one should feel entitled to get everything quickly / on a silver platter.

they are the end goal of an aarpg if they were so easy and quick to get : what then ? nothing left to do.

some things be it in games or life need to be earned through dedication.
doesn’t mean they can’t enjoy the game with what they have or try harder to get what they wanted or simply get it eventually , albeit a bit slower.

especially since eternal is a thing.

and if uber were even more common would there be any actual joy in finding them ? in my opinion : not really.

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I think when someone says what people want its already wrong, not everyone wants competition, not everyone the same on everything

The classification table is a joke, it should be with Shako or without Shako, if you want justice. I prefer Zir’s slaughterhouse. With less enemy health and more damage from them. The classification should be according to the build equal to d3, for This sort by main skills or their set. Like rapid fire x Flurry. Or Ultimates x Imbuement.

In the tens of the same people lol. Comparatively, the number of people that could care less about PVP and Leaderboards absolutely dwarfs those that do. I could care less about it. If they focused on the actual game, it would please far more players. The Gauntlet is an enormous waste of resources.

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People asked for Leaderboards, here we go. Hope they bring some usefull endgame content next. After 100 is nothing interesting to do and 1000 Duriel runs is everything, but not good or interesting.

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Exactly, I play 2 hours a day at most and I have fun. I dedicate myself to the game, but I’m casual for the time I have. I just wanted a challenge to play after having NN100. Aoz was a progression, I won’t have the shako, I don’t even need it, because there are no more challenges, I’m not going to keep doing the same dungeon to improve my score where I can’t even die. Where players with shako and items with pillar buffs will always be first. To change a boot with more pillar duration buff I have I have to change all my jewelry, pants due to resistance. This sucks. I’m going to keep playing nn and making hell tide. Every now and then I make a gauntlet.

Cycle 2 can’t get here fast enough though for LE and the greater build-out of Monoliths. Building a character is absolutely amazing but the Monolith grind is just one big blur because of how ./meh it is until you REALLY push at the upper end of them. The crafting system adds a very long tail to the game so definitely still enjoying but at their core I kind of feel the same whether I am grinding monoliths or NMDs… just eventually monoliths at least catch-up to you.

before i started playing D3/D4 i played wow for 17year and i quit the game because it went full out on competition mode dungeons are near impossible to do without the use of adons, just lets hope blizz don’t repeat the same mistake here.

What’s wrong with Grim Dawn’s graphics? I think they’re much prettier than Diablo 4. If you care so much about the graphics, it’s because you don’t come up with the right ideas. Don’t belittle other people’s intelligence with indirect questions, okay?

It was a genuine question. I am looking for another ARPG to play until D4 season #4. I decided to go back into Titan Quest, after I installed a graphics mod for it to make it nicer looking then it already was.

But anyway, if you want to be an idiot, be an idiot, each to their own.

You sound like a typical diablo fan boi. You think playing a game that takes no skill and just a lot of grinding makes you good. If you were really good, you’d know diablo takes no skill. What’s it like being awful?

I started playing GD again and it’s a lot better than d4. They just had a big patch a a new expansion is coming out. Of course, you can just farm duriel instead.

well, in this case it should be fairly easy for you to score will in the gauntlets =)

Pvp will never be competitive as this isn’t a,pvp game. Im sure though some can have fun with it, but most wont as again it is intentionally unfair and not balanced.

Gaunlet isnt a bad idea. Probably a cool thing for people, who grind hours away for perfect drops and ubers as that hard work can be utilized to chase scores.

Think the issue comes back to it is not a fun add for many players, especially when it was the “thing” to look forward to in a 3 month production cycle.

I want fun and competition!!! Maybe some PvP :grin::heart_eyes_cat::grin:

I would also like some pizza mmmmm pizza :pizza:

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Blizz releases the gauntlet…‘ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED!’

We just want to complete uber set for each class and clear everything then move on to their upcoming mmorpg. But as a casual gamer I can only get 1 uber per season. So maybe 4 seasons same class which makes it tiring and funny