People buying Duriel Mats

You are the only one saying it lol, everyone else agrees it’s bad for the game and will be fixed. What thread are you reading?

Okay dude I don’t really get where you’re going with this. But since it seems like the topic has pretty much concluded let’s just leave the whole thing at this

Blizzard designs games for exploiters since they know that people will exploit and they can’t stop them from exploiting nor are they willing to punish them. Easy enough to grasp.

Bliz wont do this, the game, as a business product, should not running in this logic. Bliz, or any gaming company, they just want to stay in game, whatever you do. So they have to have some methods or “baits” to stick you in. If most people got shako, full body gg gears, kill the mother 1 shot, then why you want to stay in this game?

I bet there won’t be any punishment unless you hoard a lot of mats.

If the dev had the mind to track it, such dupe bug won’t exist from the very begining. Therefor I believe there is no way to track the source of mats and the only solution is to ban those who have a huge number of mats.

no need to bet.

furthermore, its not the devs tracking it lol. two different teams.


They made that statement to just placate the angry masses. They NEVER, EVER punish exploiters.

Now D4 S2 is a pay-to-win game. Pay to have a char leveled to 60, pay for 100 Duril runs, copy some builds from the internet, then done

It’s sad people think they do, I got a buddy that duped gold into season one he had max gold on 4 chars and guess what his account still isn’t banned and I was to scared to take gold from him thinking I’d get banned, what a sucker I am

I said “unless you hoard a lot of mats.”

It needs to be tracked from some logs in the code - and if they logged it correctly, such a bug won’t even happen.

:rofl: ShakoGate :rofl:

Man, personally all I care about is getting another bloodless scream and frost burn so I can start turning stuff into frozen popsicles again. Varshan is gonna be my new best buddy soon :laughing:

Shako. I’ll cross that bridge when it’s burnt to cinders.

Gimme my scythe and gloves :heart:

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I have been monitoring cheat forums, including private forums, since 2005. The last time Blizzard tried to take action against cheaters was in 2009. Ever since then Blizzard games are like the Wild West where anything goes.

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OK but win over whom? There is no leaderboard and pvp is dead (not even once alive).

ill just feel free to quote iggis post from yesterday

so they never ban exploiters or cheaters and gold buyers huh?

the monitoring didnt seem to be too successful.


Their banwaves catch like 10% of the dumbest and most obvious exploiters. If you have at least a little mindfulness and don’t go full :crazy_face: duping hundreds of thousands of mats, you won’t get banned.

so first you say

and now you say they do? really. you need to try harder my friend. thats a low quality trolling there.


If you can’t grasp the difference between punishing the exploiters and taking nominal action just to say “there, we did something”, that’s on you

Got an official blizzard announcement of thousands of bans or just third party sites that y’all argue aren’t accurate?

we got more than enough people crying regularly about having been banned for nothing. Do you want to be involved in the banning process for it to be accurate?

as i said earlier, at the end of the day its up to everyone what to do, and what not to do. just dont come over crying and be like “OMG MEAN BLIZZARD BANNED ME FOR NOTHING!!! THAT EXPLOIT SHOULDNT EVEN HAVE BEEN THERE IN THE GAME!!!” ;D

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We also had most of the community saying it lost 97% of the player base but we can’t trust anything other then official posts and announcements right? Y’all flip flop alot on the subject lol