PC to Console Unique % Comparison

I would love to see the devs give us a comparison by percentage of Uniques, Uber Uniques and Unique Stones obtained by PC players as opposed to Console players! I think they will never give us these numbers because they know there is a huge disparity between the two! This is part of the reason I have not and will not try the Gauntlet. The PC players have all the Ubers and Stones and though some of us play nearly as much we can’t get more than one or two all season! The Uber trade system is a joke, it might benefit 1/10,000 of the player base. Season 4 better benefit more than the 1% or this game will not make it to season 5.

I ran into problem couldn’t find mace that was 900 power lvl to save my life. I spent days. Then I powered lvl this pc player he found them.

A level 30 being power leveled had 5 of them and was on pc

the drop chance does not differ between platforms.