PC Bug Forum Read Only?

Um, I was just checking the PC Bug Forum to see if the A Boon in Tide seasonal bug was affecting PC users like it is console users (it is) and the forum is coming up as read only…

Apparently I could reply to some threads.
Might be a you thing.

Yeah it doesn’t seem to read only to me.

I can’t post a pic but it specifically states at the top:

Open Beta has ended. The bug report forums are currently read-only.

The post button is greyed out and there are no reply buttons

Ill double check.
Uno memento.

Clear your browser history, cache and cookies. The forum is fine, I posted a bug report earlier today.

I can reply.


Tried that, didn’t work. Console forum is fine. This is really weird.

Wow yeah definitely weird. Are you playing on console? Maybe Blizzard is blocking console players from posting on the PC bug forum for some unknown and likely ridiculous reason?

“Open Beta has ended. The bug report forums are currently read-only.”

PC bug reports is showing the same for me as well.

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That’s my current thought, I own my copy on PS5, and can write in the console bug section without issue.


Cool, thanks for the info. That’s pretty silly since I can see and post on the console bug forums even though I’m PC only.

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I am but I think I have been able to post in in previously (pretty sure I replied to a post at one point). I regularly visit it to see if console/pc are sharing the same issue and the blue banner I am seeing across the top is pretty obvious so I think I would have noticed it……then again maybe not.

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Ah so I am not the only one.

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