Patch notes - All the changes we haven't asked for

We literally got all we haven’t asked for and nothing we did.

We’re weaker, getting less xp & loot, not a single QoL.

Convince me I’m wrong.


this is what the blizzard teams always do. they can’t make balanced classes so they just shuffle what the flavor of the month is every patch. Now instead of vuln we’ll all be chasing… oh wait no still vuln.


I was wondering if I am the only one. Due to doubting myself I read the notes like 3 times, but I haven’t seen anything interesting. Is this really the 6 million pages long patch?


Those patch notes cured my depression. Absolutely hilarious. You can’t make this stuff up.


My disappointment is immeasurable…can’t wait for the trolls to tell me that my feelings are wrong.


Yep. It’s a big old nothing burger. I don’t see this game changing for the better for a long time…


I was honestly hoping i’ll get some reason to play S1. I’m out of delusions now :').


I’m actually confused after reading these notes. They cut some damage types, but upped all damage. And then cut defenses across the board. They reduced XP and reduced the level of opposition you’ll be facing outside of dungeons?

Lot to parse here, but not really understanding what they’re going for.


almost a 5gb patch update just dropped FYI waiting for patch notes still

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Well, they did increase loot for completing NM dungeon.

Sounds like they basically nerfed everything else though. I think they may have even made power leveling / boosting not a thing.

Now we need to find all new gear, this is how they keep the gameplay loop going I guess.


It’s about affixes. Item affixes such as Vuln got nerfed, and the ones that were like +10% psychical dmg got small boost. Kinda worthless.

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Yep patch notes lets see what they broke:

Diablo IV Patch Notes — Diablo IV — Blizzard News

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It looks like they increasing loot and experience gains but are nerfing a whole lot of stuff. Monsters are going to be lower level than us or something as well…I am not sure what that is going to do.

LOL this forum has been begging for nerfs to vulnerable and crit, what are you smoking? Trying to balance itemization by making certain stats less mandatory and others more viable. This is exactly what has been asked for. You are ridiculous.


where did they do this…?


Look at the whole section on what stats have been buffed… i.e. physical damage.

Nerfing meta builds by 60% and then giving some buckets a 20% buff isnt even remotely making other things viable. Mark my words, in a few weeks you’ll see vuln is still a mandatory stat, just weaker.

  • Aspect of Disobedience maximum stacks reduced from 100 to 60, reducing maximum Bonus Armor % from 25%-50% to 15%-30%.

  • The Tortured Gift of Mysteries chest has had its cost increased to 250 Aberrant Cinders from 175.

  • Whispers will no longer reward Sigil Dust.

  • The channel time for the Leave Dungeon ability has been increased from 3 to 5 seconds.

  • Increased monster HP scaling from 85% to 100% bonus per extra player in a party.

  • World bosses now drop potions more often.

  • Fixed an issue where the outer edge of the quakes granted to Hammer of the Ancients via The Aspect of Ancestral Echoes was dealing far more damage than intended.

Developer’s Note: We recognize this adjustment is a significant decrease to the Hammer of the Ancients Barbarian build, but we do not want its strength to be reliant on an underlying bug.

So now they aren’t strong anymore, gg

Amazing balancing changes, well done :neutral_face:


Good. People were breezing through content too easily.