Patch needs to be reverted/deleted

All they did was to gut all the classes / cut the xp to sell you the bsttle pass with hearts and xp boosts , on top of that the hearts are seasonsl so after that were not getting the power up back , just back to nerf ville. , Paragon boards need to be remade

instead of nerfing everybody how about you give more stash space and what people asked for.


agreed. a complete revert is in order. stop working on season 2 and literally retool itemzation… theres so much about the game thats just bad.


The XP boosts are in the free pass though so… Not really an argument there.

It’s just, in general, this patch has made the game less fun, much slower and less rewarding.


Revert patch.

Add some bloody loot to this loot game !!!


Don’t forget about SHAKOGATE. Revoke ALL uber uniques that were acquired during that bugged/exploited helltide events.

Would not help anything. Game is stiil empty and unrewarding. Do not even care about the nerfs themselves just the direction and principles behind this patch. And quit crying about stash space game not boring because you are a pack rat it is boring because there is nothing to put in the stash.

That didnt hurt anyone. Get over it. There are far bigger things than that nonsense.

LOL imagine still being mad about Shakogate when that is pointless in a day…

Yeah, much more annoyed by the general nerf to fun than someone obtaining an uber unique…

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What are you even saying, man? Majority of people don’t wanna restart their characters. So, those people will not be playing in the season but on eternal realm. THEY ARE EFFECTED. This patch nerfed your trash class already. Shako would def benefit a sorc that got it through a glitch/exploit.

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Imagine trying to discredit my concern when the whole premise of this game/franchise was built off of farming items. If I cant farm an item that’s unobtainable but joe schmoe can through a exploited event, how can I compete with them?

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And I will say again, get over it. If more than 142 people got one? Sure maybe, if the number was in the thousands. But 142, Out of three million, how much you wanna bet that they had no idea it was even a bug? You would hurt innocent people in your jealousy. Its almost like someone got cured of cancer, but since you didnt benifit, you want them uncured.

Thats why you should get over it. It has harmed no one other than the people screaming “ what about me, and if i cant have it no one can”?

This patch? Thats heck of lot worse than shakogate ever was.

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Maybe because the number is higher than 142 and blizz wont release the real number because it would be a massive scaled rollback and that would take too much time and effort on their part.

So, you’re gonna tell me they will make the majority of the players mad to save the 142 players? A person with an uber unique is on the same playing field as a regular person without one? Nah, not even close. There’s a reason those items are Game changing.

Yes because it was a paltry number. And yea i do believe them, since as a publicly traded company they will not jeopardize their profits over something so paltry. Look at the aftermath of the sexual assault scandles? Look at whats happening over this patch?

They arent going to mess with publicly made statements.

So get over it. The chance you encounter one of them is nill, and even more so, it truely doesn’t hurt you.

Im not white knighting, this patch was aweful, what I am doing is saying there are bigger things than the petty nonsense your holding onto over “shakogate”

Nah, people aren’t going to “get over it” thousands quit because of it. The rest of the players were on the fence. Now that the patch hit, say bye bye to the rest of the players that were on the fence.

They already jeopardized their brand over the whole shakogate fiasco and it keeps piling on. I’m sure you will watch their campfire session this friday and listen to their excuses (after they push diablo immortal news for the first 30 mins)

You keep making up numbers. “Thousands left because a a few people got an item!”

Ya whatever dude. You just made an absolute fool of yourself over the smallest hill to die on.

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Wheres the proof that “Thousands” left? Doesn’t matter anyways Blizzard already got money out of the “Thousands” you claim left.

60% nerf to Vulnerability but at least we got a 25% increase to damage to skeletons using daggers with applied transmogs in-between the hours of 16:29 and 17:31 PST on the third Tuesday of every 30 day month while chilled.

The conditional garbage needs to go, like, immediately.

Did they give you a new icy to?

Totally agree, this patch is the reason i’m not going for S1 now.

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Smooth brain response. Read the room. The forums/discords are/were up in arms. There was a post made back sometime ago with over 800+ likes on it. Id say my numbers that I’m pulling are closer than what your numbers would be.

The only fool in this conversation is you and any other white knight defending this company.