Patch didn't quite get it

Combat still feels like a slog. I hit my main skill 2 or 3 times then run around building up my resource pool. Yay. We still need either far less resource cost of skills or far more resource gained from skills. Or both.

The game isn’t fun in its current state. I want to like it, I really do but it simply is not fun. I should’ve known better since the new norm for developers is to release an unfinished product then make consumers pay to be their open beta testers. I guess I’ll try back in a year or two when the open beta is done and they patch in enough improvements that it’ll actually feel like a finished product.


This… a 100% this… :beers:


Well they did manage to fix Steel Grasp pulling, then they forgot to fix Charge which has the exact same problem, only worse

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Playing tornado druid is exactly how you described it. Basic attack, basic attack, tornado. Repeat x99999999999. Until you get the tempest roar helmet that is so rare that even some lvl 100 players never got it.

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whaaat? the 3% damage buff to basic abilities didn’t quite do it? Oh well, back to the drawing board

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