Noticed that my game is very dark and colors are off after update 2.1.1 Legendary items appear to be red instead of their normal orange color.
At least there is a workaround to fix this. Turn OFF HDR and then turn it ON again, seems to fix the colors/brightness.
Yup. I am experiencing the same thing on my Nvidia GPU.
Same issue here also Nvidia.
yep, same here. color palette is totally off.
Same issue with Intel B580
Same. Workaround for now: when you start the game go into options → disable HDR → save → enable HDR → save. Works for me for now. But very anoying.
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Mine is cooked too, NVIDIA GPU.
After turning HDR off, then on it can cause motion blurring which is strange.
Same here. Broke when 2025 lunar awakening event began. I just go to calibrate brightness and simply mess with the brightness slider without saving anything and the brightness automatically restores, weird. I do it every time I start the game. I am on an AMD GPU.
just go to brightness calibration and change one unit any sort, and it “fix”
Btw, this only prove that they dont even teste their own updates, just need 3 devices, one Mac, one PC with nvidia, and another with radeon… but blizzard now is too cheap to even do that. shameful how bad the company is doing.
PC, issue here. Since the update, I manually have to adjust brightness levels. Just like someone said before. Moving the slider bar one increment either way, and then back. Will fix it… but only until you restart the game.
This issue also happened on my Xbox, but only at first launch. No other issues since.
Same issue for me on PC, but also happened on Xbox and it is much more complicated to fix there.
Seems they fixed it in today´s patch.
Not yet fixed.
Brightness settings, etc. continue to not be saved.
Colors are also wrong.
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Not yet fixed. Same problem here!!
Still happened to me after patch. Turning off and on does fix it.
Same for me. Very heavy red cast espcially visible on the shop. Turn off HDR, save, turn on HDR save worksaround. I wondered if it is somehow due to auto-HDR on Windows, though…
If you don’t want to having to keep messing with HDR or other settings to fix the issue everytime you log into the game, just turn HDR off and leave it off. Since I turned it off I no longer have to worry about it when logging in. Atleast that works for me untill they fix the cause.
Diable and enable HDR ingame everytime u login till they fix it
For me i go to display,change windowed(fullscreen) to just windowed and turn back to fullscreen and work for me