Paragon Boards and Runewords Feedback

I got to play around with the new paragon boards and I have to say that Blizzard needs to increase the cap from 5 to 6 boards. I just got done getting all the rare nodes, legendary nodes, and glyph nodes with all the stats to boost it in its legendary radius. If Blizzard isn’t going to give players at least a little bit of a tough choice on which rare/magic nodes we pick up, then the Paragon Boards are dead at a 5 board limit.

As far as the Runewords are concerned, I have been testing these more and found that there are some interesting combos. Some maybe bugged like Tun.

I can confirm that the runeword Xol Vex does have almost 100% uptime, but apparently the runes that invoke another players ability and cost 25 offering doesn’t work on Xol as the trigger. I found that the only ones that worked for me as a barb were the 100 offering cost runes such as: Wat and Met. I think Tun is supposed to activate Xol as well but it doesn’t. I haven’t tested Ceh or Tal yet but they should trigger Xol theoretically.

I have actually found an interesting new combo Runewords: Xol Tec (activate another class power; uses Barbarian Earthquake ability) and Bac Teb (travel 5 meters; use Necromancer’s Abhorant Iron Maiden ability). This is basically a set and forget runeword combo for Dust Devil Barbs looking to get a little more out of their build. Make sure to pair this with the new legendary board that spawns dust devils from earthquakes and the Tremor glyph.

So this combo over lays both Iron Maiden curse and an increased size (probably due to overflow) Earthquake on top of eachother every 10 meters you travel. While Earthquakes are spawned, Dust Devils will continuously spawn from them while they are up.

Overall, Runewords are a decent add but I think Blizzard should increase the limit from 2x Runewords max to 3x Runewords max (Helm, Chest, Pants). At the high end, after you got a tyrael’s might, armor and resistances become a problem of the past. Players don’t need to stack their main stat or a defensive stat in their armor which makes Runewords more desireable to have 3x Runewords. I also think that some of the Runes above 200 Offering cost needs to be brought down to 200 offering. I can’t see the value in some of them being so heavily overcosted.