Paragon board is bugged, can't place any glyphs onto glyph socket

necromancer can’t place glyphs onto open glyph socket. i click equip on glyph but can’t place onto soocket


I’m experiencing the same issue on sorc. Have you been able to resolve the issue?

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its not a bug, you need to unlock with paragon point when you build up to it. wish this was explained as it is confusing in the beginning

I can’t use glyphs. I try to place them but I can’t. How do I fix it?

This issue seems to have returned because i have unlocked a glyph node on a 3 board but won’t let me place a glyph in the unlocked spot and i tried to modify one on a second board that was already placed and it took the glyph out and won’t let me replace it… wtf :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Also, same. I’ve found it does not seem to unlock without exiting the menu and leaving town.

After weeks of having this issue I finally figured out it isn’t a bug and has been user error. Incase anyone here is still trying to figure it out: (1) you have to have a paragon point available to spend; (2) select the glyph socket you want to use to “activate” it - it will not work if you already have the glyph selected and are trying to fill it. You must use your curser only, to spend the paragon point which activates that socket; (3) THEN you can select the glyph you want and add it to the activated glyph socket.

I swear it wasn’t always that complicated before…

Same. Happened last season, too. :-/