Paragon board: can’t see glyph socket

Overall I like the new UI but please: make the glyph socket easier to spot.

We should be able to see it while zoomed out but even on my 65’ screen I’m not seeing it until zoomed in and squinting my eyes.

You can give it a way more visible border, perhaps a red fill instead of a black/no fill

And I have 20/20 vision, so I wonder how the visually impaired are supposed to use this

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80 % of the game is just Bloodied with “red, black, white” color combo that makes it hard to find ALOT of things…

i did notice a few new color texts popped up in the quest log now though… its getting better

but yeah i have pour vision that requires glasses and i cant see it on my 27’ monitor that i sit about 2 feet away

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