Need some help from the number gurus please…
I play a mighty throw / Wrath of Berserker variant build and trying to min max. I have exceptional gear and high pit ranking and need a little more damage to get thru the next pit level.
My question is, which tempers would be most beneficial, Overpower damage or Damage while Berserking? My damage comes from Overpower but I also play Wrath of the Berserker so it makes sense to me to use those Berserking tempers.
Also, same question with choosing Strength nodes VS. Will power nodes.
I can provide my stats if it helps.
Really appreciate anyones input on this and thanks in advance
Beserk Damage to 450 if you use Blood Rage Legendary Paragon Node for the multiplier. No reason to go above that.
Core Stat. Always Core Stat.
Appreciate the feedback Jemuzu. I was unaware of the 450 cap for damage while berserking. I’ll make some changes based on this. Hopefully this will be enough to get rank 1.
There’s no hard cap, there just isn’t any reason to keep stacking it beyond the multiplicative buff you get from Blood Rage because then it’s just additive. At that point you’re better off stacking something else and finding a way to synergy whatever you stack into more multipliers.
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Understood now. Currently my Damge while berserking is just over 600. Doing some napkin math before i dig in to new tempers, i’m able to bring this to 453 by only changing my 2h Mace temper to Overpower damage.