Op=fun who agrees?

Since the devs have asked for our suggestions, I’d like to see how many people support the idea that being over powered in mid to late end game is equal to fun. For example: lets say by lvl 250 and mostly masterworked, you should be able to stomp all content semi effortlessly up to and including pit 100 in ANY class. Also, in d3 seasonal events gave you increased abilities and serious power increases through different alterations you could earn. At the end of a season you felt like god mode. Far more than d4 has given us thus far. Lastly, while i do enjoy the building of our own setups, i believe that the idea of sets that increase in power as you collect the pieces would also be an awesome addition. Maybe above uniques or maybe below that would equal the power of uniques if you collected all the pieces. Please leave your thoughts in the comments. Thank you.


Idk if you know, but having fun is against the rules.

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Not necessarily. For me, the opposite is true, as I quickly lose interest in a character if there is not enough friction in the content I like to play.

If players want to feel overpowered for a while, set difficulty to normal or torment 1. It really makes no difference to the experience.


They know that the power people like to call “OP” is desirable, how else did they decide to completely go overboard with that w/ the SB for the expac?

That such power makes people get bored and not want to play after the novelty wears off is proof that there should be some happy medium. With all the data they collect from D2, D3 and D4, they must know whereabouts that medium is, but that is not their priority.

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I think stomping pit 100 should only be possible if the max is much higher. if 100 is the max, then I do not think we should be stomping it as that removes any incentive to keep playing.

I think it is fine for basic T4 content to be trivial once you have all 12/12 GA gear, maxed glyphs. and high paragon, but i think there needs to remain some challenge. right now pit is all we really have for that. I’d love to see new endgame modes that can scale higher and continue to provide a challenge.

OP in mid endgame seems like a good indicator that a nerf is needed :stuck_out_tongue:

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OP is like taking drug, fun at beginning but feel void soon

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I agree, which is why i think that feeling should be available to all skill paths on all classes but ONLY for highly optimized builds and when all gear/paragon/mw etc it pushed to the max. And I think it is appropriate that pit goes well beyond what is easy even with max gear. This helps give the feeling of power from achieving maxing out your character and also still leaving something of a challenge for you.

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