Open world in the game is worthless

once ur character is high level / geared out

you should be able to enjoy the open world content but no its too ez everything dies in one hit now

options are pits and sigils and ubers very limiting tbh
what were the devs thinking

Hear me out:

A new kind of global Helltide.
You don’t have anywhere to run.
Everything is hell.

Edit.: And if you want some safe space, the entire server has to clean that region.

What do you think?

I thought that is what some people wanted. Power, power and even more power.

They have positions available put in your application and show them how it should be done.

Just curious what you would find enjoyable? More HP on the enemies so they become damage sponges? More damage? Different mechanics?

Not that I wouldn’t mind more difficulty, I’m just curious what you want from the open world itself. We definitely need better engaging systems though.

Season 5 will be the answer for that.

Definitely not a fan tho.

Sounds nothing like Infernal Hordes

Go watch the Act Man video from a year ago then you will know why we are in this stage. Blizzard should listen to the players instead of streamers.

Perhaps not the “global” part, but you certainly don’t have to run anywhere & it’s hell, nothing to do with what OP asked, just cherry picking from the description Rishon gave.

this game should follow guild wars 2 it’s so chill and enjoyable no need to chase no need to feel rushed. clan activities, features, rewards, area, etc. need to follow how guild wars 2 allows players to use the camera to see the environment and character. make this game actually an mmo and not a bootleg version of one please!

Just give us something like the profane mindcages, but they stack to up to lvl 200 monsters and work for the entire open world.

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everything is limited to indoors or some red-filtered overworld area

the season 2 blue HT was better at that, it preserved the unique feel of each area it was able to activate on

Yeah. I wish we could experience lock our characters. I have the most fun in the game when I enter WT4 helltides with a level 55 fresh out of WT3 character. The idea is to not get killed and it can be very risk gameplay at that point. You feel like you’re hunted for sure.

Well, it’s fun for about 30 minutes, after that you’re swimming in WT4 gear and it all ends :slight_smile:

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