Only play HC, but Lilith will one shot that easy...?

I had never tried, heard the stories since day 1, & you must know the mechanics regardless of how powerfully built or will be one shot…? I am in awe…

lilith doesnt one shot just like that.

She applies a stacking debuff tho, and if you get hit by too many hits of her mechanic, she will at one point one shot you.


Thanks for the info, I’m relatively new to “Lilth” but not the game nor franchise, like I said I literally have never played but HC so had never even attempted but felt I could try this time…lterally my way of creating a degree of my personal “end game”…

Without trying any benefit of videos or help from other source, I honestly have enjoyed the input from many minds here thus my post, so thanks much for yours…I am no brilliant gamer by any means & moreso become evidenciary by fact I do not even know what stacking debuff means…

Again thanks for your words though…!

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Learn the fight and mechanics on T1. Even if you’re strong enough to 1-shot her phases, you’ll still see the mechanics during each transition.

I prefer getting tons of movespeed, and boots that have Evade +3 Charges. Spiritborn doesn’t need these, but having an extra dash is nice for the fight.


A debuff is a negative condition applied on your character, the debuff we’re speaking of is a damage debuff meaning if applied on you, you will receive more damage on each hit from boss attacks.
And this debuff is stackable meaning it can be applied on your character more than once (doubling, tripling… the damage you receive, and it doesn’t seem to be just doubling/tripling for these bosses… gasp).

All tormented boss (and pit bosses) have this debuff mechanichs : one stack is fine, two stacks can be tricky even with full armor/resistance. Beyond two stacks …
Theses debuff are applied with specific attacks,(often dark red animations, but not always), and they are the reason, i don’t play hardcore on this diablo :slight_smile:
it’s indicated by a red devil icon above your skill bar.

For lilith : max armor/resistance and lot of speed : the real goal is to outrun her attacks and debuff, i called her the benny hill boss:)

I recommend you to watch lots of video, or if you want to discover theses bosses by yourself, to level up a char on softcore with a “boss build” to learn/try the mechanics before going there in hc. (you just need to play sc in torment 1 to learn the mechanics so… worth the little amount of time for your hc char survival :slight_smile: )

I know their mechanic well, and keep dying on andariel/lilith when i’m not 100% focus (and killing them quickly is not the solution andariel will apply lots of her mechanics even if you one shot her, and lilith will apply all of her deadly mechanics).

Good luck :slight_smile: These are my favorite bosses :slight_smile:

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use witch power Hex of Whispers and face tank her:

Rank 7: After bouncing onto 6 enemies, the hex bounces back to you granting X Fortify and removing all crowd control and negative status effects.

To cover bad design of this boss, Blizzard introduced stages for this boss.
there is no one shoot kill for this…instead is one kill shoot per stage… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :+1: :+1: :+1: