One shotting things is bad

I know this opinion is going to be met with scorn, but frankly I came into Diablo 4 thinking this was going to be different from Diablo 3. If I wanted to blast entire rooms in an instant I’d play that game, but if I wanted more methodical careful gameplay in mind Diablo 4 was that game. In D3 even the last boss in a GR seems easier than the trash in many GRs and is nuked down fast.

I really hope, even after all the upgrades, that Diablo 4 is moving away from one shot builds that can instantly nuke a boss like Duriel, Lilith, or even world bosses in a matter of a few seconds at most. This isn’t good fun gameplay. It’s just ridiculous in fact and seems absolutely nothing like that game we were originally sold on. It also absolutely is not fun to have to share a world where everyone and their mom copies stupidly broken builds and proceeds to use them in this shared outdoor world at Legions, World Bosses, and Events.

So yeah I hope the game is moving away from broken buggy or ridiculously overpowered builds. In my opinion, all bosses no matter what should last at least 20 to 30 seconds, and world bosses as well! I mean otherwise this is basically just D3 with a new skin, even if it took a little longer to get the gear to do it.

EDIT: Think Torghast, you could go in and complete up to layer 8, and get stupid overpowered, but in a lot of cases you still had to understand mechanics when you solo’d it or you died.


Dude… dude… dude…

This is how things are (Im not saying that I endorse this).

And you will ALWAYS HAVE SOMEONE READY TO EXPLOIT THE GAME IN EXCHANGE OF SOMETHING ELSE (in the case of streamers and youtubers: viewers, meaning, more money).

This is human nature. Since the beginning of gaming people try to cut corners.
Even f*** chess has the Scholar’s Mate.


I must not be human then. Since the game came out I have exploited 0 times intentionally and tried to make an exploited build or broken build 0 times.


Yes, you are.
You are looking for balance.

And I’m saying to you that people are lazy and will try to find the easiest and fastest way to do things.


Me too.
I made all my builds. Didn’t follow any.
Well, I end up with builds that can’t one shot Lilith or Duriel.
In the case of Lilith, blocking me from get the achievement of killing her solo.

But you can’t expect that the average joe thinks like you.
He will follow some build to solve his problem because he don’t want to hear his friend laughing at him because he can’t do everything in the game.


It’s the only way to counter act the obnoxious crowd control and bad game design, PoE 2 doesn’t have this because their devs actually play their own game


And this should get a lot worse with the increase in power. Our basic skills will hit kill and that’s not cool. The bad thing is that we need to do helltide and tree in the open world with level 103 monsters. Which is not challenging at all. I suggest creation of potions with buffs to find unique items and damage debuffs, reducing resistance, for example, until they create Tier 5.

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How about… NO?
That genre is called: Action Role-Playing Game (ARPG), not “Souls-Like”.
And always Faster = Better.


Powercreep does concern me too. Chasing people with insane clear speed isnt really much fun. I’ll have to wait and see what they come up with for balance and difficilty.


Just give every enemy/boss 1 HP. Power Fantasy done.


Poe is all about Potions,they had alot if you didnt use them you didnt win.I’m not sure spaming pots is a solution.

This will not change.
Blizzard wants you to feel as powerful as possible.

My only concern with the coming patch is that they are making leveling up once again easier and allot faster.


I don’t know but I still want our belts back.


Ya belts would be cool,something to add resist to?

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I’m okay with the gradual increases in leveling speed. They probably have a lot of data to back up that a large portion don’t bother to reach level 100 (myself included). If the game is more about reaching the endgame with its systems then it makes sense.

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All Arpg are kinda like that, If you read up on Last Epoch people that reached end game are kind bored too.So why increase leveling if end game is not engaging?


Imo LE has a somewhat boring endgame. It needs work to make it a bit more varied and/or exciting. I stopped at level 73 or so cause I couldn’t be bothered to farm xp.

I bought it it was cheap,i couldnt get into it.

The customization via spells is really cool and their crafting system is very nice as well. I like that build customization aspect of it, but the loot wasn’t that interesting to me. Tbh I think D4 might do this better in the long run.

Its a work in progress, i bought it . I will prob play it at some point. Poe 2 Intersts me more.

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